[180424] TVアニメ「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!(Love Live! Sunshine!!) 2nd Season」AqoursオリジナルソングCD 5「RED GEM WINK/WHITE FIRST LOVE」/黒澤ルビィ(CV.降幡愛)、黒澤ダイヤ(CV.小宮有紗) [WAV] :: Nyaa ISS

[180424] TVアニメ「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!(Love Live! Sunshine!!) 2nd Season」AqoursオリジナルソングCD 5「RED GEM WINK/WHITE FIRST LOVE」/黒澤ルビィ(CV.降幡愛)、黒澤ダイヤ(CV.小宮有紗) [WAV]

2018-05-01 12:11 UTC
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885.3 MiB
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i dont see the off Vocal
atleast better than your 60 fps meme
[satmaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km1u6bq__rA) Woh~~~ I appreciate that ![](https://scontent-sin6-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/31755273_141508360037113_6366080545666891776_n.png?_nc_cat=0&oh=83486ad0e5f58f572be1f59717a6a748&oe=5B57D5BB)
ohh, thanks Mashin!
me to Mashin ![](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/e31/1/16/PACMAN.png)
But maybe just download it because even lossy doesn't exist in Nyaa yet? Any comment @You_Watanabe?
hmhm you right okay i wanna download it
@You_Watanabe, anyway Maybe you wanna try Smooth Video Project (SVP) instead of Optical Flow because it has anime mode. I converted all love live series using SVP and it's looks fantastic despite requiring a powerful machine. Combine it with MadVR sharpen filter and it's look very nice to your eye. Try it!
if this got a cue file, i will download it :D
@satmaster Where did you find it?Of course i wanna try
@satmaster C'mon where did you find it? I have a high-spec computer I'll try it with my baby
Thanks For the link @satmaster
Ok same as mine, now you need a fast cpu, core i7 with 4 core or 6 core should do it.
>grabify.link nice ip grabber, @satmaster also, @Mashin, prove it. I won't bother downloading poorly seeded torrent just to check spectogram, but if you claim it's a transcode, I guess you downloaded it and you can show us.
i just have ryzen with 16Core thats enough? haha you can track as you can @satmaster i don't care i'am know not with my baby at all
@Nala_Alan, I just wanna know where people were from. Anyway, I know it's a upconversion and I made it clear earlier. But, since the lossy don't even exist, I think this one is the best exist on nyaa.
@You_Watanabe, That's enough. In fact, I bought a 32 core Xeon for this job. older ES version is on sell for around $300
hmhm okay Then for the the lossy is exist you know Here but i dont download from this link the https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1032293
@satmaster that's not a valid excuse for ip grabber. you could've use a legit service like bit.ly and still get country statistics, except without ips
Ohh, I didn't see that. My bad! Sorry and Thanks!
My ISP blocked it
if your isp blocks legitimate link shorteners and doesn't block ip grabbers then your isp is shit.
kore wa kore wa :V there's a lot of comment but no one get the file
if you wanted to find aqours song collection from the beginning until you solo but in FLAC format, you can use this link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-aZ8C9IFNV2UaY7Vip0O1Bg2CaOn1vgd and much thanks to mashin that provided all the file
\> :V disgusting af
John Cena? What is this?
This is the worst fake-lossless file I've ever seen.
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/JDxoJtq.png) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/U7GwNGD.png)
john cena dead meme
And there's me with a shitty quad core i5 and a 1060 interpolating videos :'v
It sucks. It will fxxx your ears.
any chance for FLAC?
https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1033192 this way better i guess