[DVDISO] Tamako Market [R1] :: Nyaa ISS

[DVDISO] Tamako Market [R1]

2018-07-03 03:11 UTC
No information.
File size:
15.6 GiB
Info hash:
Inside the Usagiyama Shopping District lies an eccentric but close-knit community of business owners. Tamako Kitashirakawa, a clumsy though adorable teenage girl, belongs to a family of mochi bakers who own a quaint shop called Tama-ya. One day, Tamako stumbles upon a talking bird that presents himself as royalty from a distant land. Dera Mochimazzi, as he calls himself, states that he’s seeking a bride for his country’s prince. Intent on his mission, Dera follows Tamako home and develops an addiction to mochi, becoming painfully overweight and subsequently unable to fly back to his homeland; thus, he takes up residence with Tamako's family and becomes the community’s beloved mascot. Meanwhile, Tamako's friend, Mochizou Ooji, continues to hide his true feelings for her. Their fathers are fierce mochi rivals, but will it be enough to drive a wedge between Tamako and Mochizou? And just what will happen to Dera's task of finding his prince’s destined bride? (Info from MAL) Hope You Enjoy!

File list

  • Tamako Market
    • TAMAKO_MARKET_DISC_1.iso (5.6 GiB)
    • TAMAKO_MARKET_DISC_2.iso (5.0 GiB)
    • TAMAKO_MARKET_DISC_3.iso (5.0 GiB)
seriously...1 day and already a dead torrent...ugh...why do you guys persist in this folly called "torrent"
@pokitisme Chill out. It’s not like you’re forking out anything to provide for the community. It’s a privilege that you even have a chance at something you want here, not a right. You’re not entitled to anything. Just look at how many releases this uploader has put out alone this past week. Have you ever placed yourself in his shoes? For someone who hasn’t even uploaded a single “torrent”, you should watch what you say. Such arrogance.
"It’s not like you’re forking out anything to provide for the community" my oldest post in alt.binaries.dvd.anime is right now today at 3516.9 days......and its still available ive been the sole poster in a.b.dvd.anime for like the past 5 years...FIVE YEARS...and my post are still available. since i just did the math i believe its 9 years.........NINE YEARS worth of material... proof https://www.binsearch.info/?q=pok+it+is+me&max=250&adv_age=&server= that was only a 1100 day search....not to mention other movies and music and programs and lots of stuff..... the problem i have is a torrent that is up for less than 24 hrs is now no longer available...i dont watch any of the anime i dl except for a very little amount.... moribito azumanga and this all right now only have 1 person at 100 percent...and btw i did seed for at least a day or more when i did get completed stuff...as also of right now the two post of kill me baby are basically dead...my oldest dvd in said group is green green vol 1.....try midnight movies oldest post in alt.binaries.dvd.midnightmovies is the toxic avenger 7 disk set at 1970.6 days
by the way i dont do it to get likes or whatever accolades...i do it because i like to... look i appreciate the effort taken but thats the point...why take that effort for just 1 days worth of effort....its fucking annoying to see what could be a good post or whatever wasted on a failed and totally slow and non redundant system.... i get you are a torrent aficionado...BUT it kinda sucks..lol...and as to this uploaders efforts...yeah i stack my post against his all day long....btw why the stupid @ pokitisme stuff....just state my name or a shortened version of it..."hey pok" sry but this kiddy stuff bothers me. in a single 10 day period i posted 15 separate dvd sets or single dvd,s 1560 to 1550 days...thats just 10 days....imagine the other 3000 days
@pokitisme Alright, fair enough. But you have to understand that some uploaders might have certain limitations that you’re not aware of. They might have limited bandwidth, no seedbox/servers, or whatever that is necessary to host a torrent 24/7. Didn’t it strike you that it usually takes him roughly 4-5 days to get a torrent fully seeded? On top of that, he posted as many as 3 in a day before. He might be rotating each day for what torrent to seed. That is why you see some days a torrent you had your eye on is “died”. 3 torrents in a day might not seem much to you, but multiplied by about 30 leechers per torrent and you’ll understand how slow it'll be. Sometimes the only seed that you see is him when he’s able to go on. Don’t you think it’s a little ridiculous to have him leave his computer on indefinitely? People are so impatient these days. And no. How I format my replies and indicate my recipient is none of your concern. I’m not going to tell you how to reply to others, and I’m not going let you tell me how either. I will address others on the comment section however I like, as long as it’s respectful. Under the format I use, there’s no need to second guess who I’m talking to. Although it’s sometimes obvious to know who is being called on, it’s not quite as easy when there are others on here who’s mother tongue isn’t English. This is also easier to spot at first glance for any replies to you almost instantly, unless you read comments from the bottom up. Also, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but many forums and apps use @Username to indicate that the comment is directed at them. It also gives them a notification on the forum/app itself or via email. So, no. I don’t think it’s stupid. This is just a standard that’s been used quite frequently. Either Nyaa hasn’t implemented this function, or I'm not aware yet, this doesn’t take away from the fact that I think it’s effective regardless of your opinion. What “bothers me” is your use of ellipsis. You literally ended every sentence with it for the past 3 posts.
ok..so why not post some relevant info...such as i can only seed this on these days for this amount of time...i as the uploader would request that after i seed to a few 100% clients that those people would help to seed to others on off days....my biggest issue is not the uploader per se but the method...i hate the idea of using a flawed system where better choices abound...if i understand seedboxes its a very limited thing...i dont understand shit about torrents other than you create 1 and then hope people connect...any way you were respectful considering the knowledge you had on me ans a commenting troll...lol .i get that it appeared i was nothing more than a leech but ive learned from my years in various forums that if you concern yourself with leech/contributor you will attain a sour posting attitude and you must bypass that and say....i do it for myself...i know at least 1 person other than me benefits from my post and thats why i do it.its tough work creating a .nfo finding said links therin-creating the rar files-par files-naming -renaming-convertingand lots of other small stuff...but i do it cause it helps others...
@pokitisme Ok, I get that you’re not a bad guy at heart. But just a little patience is needed is all. Like yourself, I’m sure this uploader is doing it to help others. However, negative comments is what pushes them to think if it’s worth it to keep posting if all they’re getting is shit. Some do it for notoriety, some don’t. All I can say is it’s easy to point out what people are doing wrong, but what about what they’re doing right? Also, who can he possibly seed to 100% so that those few individuals can help seed during his off time? It’s quite possible to change the settings on your client to allow which peer(s) to be seed to first, but what guarantees that they’ll stick around? Unless the uploader has dependable people that he/she trusts, this idea won’t work out very well. I won’t get into it, but this method also poses a lot of complications to anonymity. This gets back to seedbox being an alternative that not all can afford or want. This is the biggest limitation for torrents on public trackers; it is not self-sustaining. Seeders don’t stay for very long. Private trackers almost guarantees all torrents stay alive, but the requirements to be invited to one or remain in one is very difficult.
yep my point..while torrents are free.usenet is more reliable and faster..so free vs 12 dollars a month........anyway..yeah good convo.
@pokitisme Yes, but no one can host something indefinitely. That’s just the reality of it. If you want better speeds or sustainability, it’ll come at a cost. This goes back to what I’ve been saying about the limitation of unloaders, not just specifically about torrents. I’m sure they are doing the best they can to host files as fast and sustainable as they can. But, same - nice conversation with you.