fripside - crying moon [Hi-RES] :: Nyaa ISS

fripside - crying moon [Hi-RES]

2019-01-24 17:00 UTC
File size:
1.2 GiB
Info hash:
32-butt bloated files. Thanks to the original uploader at Tieba.

File list

it is less than 16 bit anyways $ sox "01 crying moon.wav" -b 16 "01 crying moon-16.wav" $ LAC "01 crying moon-16.wav" Lossless Audio Checker 2.0.5 Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Julien Lacroix & Yann Prime File: 01 crying moon-16.wav Result: Upsampled
@stereo Your result says Upsampled, not Upscaled. Upsampled = Sample-rate (44khz etc) Upscaled = Bit-depth (16bit etc) Also you didn't cite where did you get your instructions/information that you need to downscale before analyzing with the software. There's no reference documentation of the software usage besides the AES paper. Using the very same software to check the wav file without any modification shows its clean. Hopefully you can shed some light on how you come to your above conclusion, since you don't seem to do any research and just run random software and pretend you are smart.
# mono sound with 8-bit noise ![Spek]( "Spek")
oops, there is stereo, i listen to heavy music and didn't noticed at first, sorry
If you want to see the objective difference between this and a standard 16/44.1 FLAC, just follow these steps: 1. convert this hi-res to 16/44.1, then upscale the converted file back to the same values 2. in Audacity or any audio editing software, align the tracks of the hi-res and upscaled file so that the samples are perfectly in line, otherwise it will not work 3. invert the phase of one of the tracks and play them at the same time, so that they will cancel out their identical parts 4. if you did it right, the resulting file will have nothing audible playing, but there will still be audio information left 5. another spectrum analysts of the exported result difference will confirm that every information bellow 22.1 kHz has been eliminated which further confirms that hi-res is identical do standard bellow the 22.1 kHz. 6. beyond this, I could not tell you if the massive extra space is worth no audible information. For me at least, it's not. You can use this technique to find out the objective difference between any files. I use this often to see the difference between lossless and mp3 and in that case there are actual audible differences between the files, but just noise most of the time.