Puberty syndrome. A mysterious illness/phenomenon that takes many forms. The effect are different for each individual, but they are always tied to the psychological issues of the person. One day Azusagawa Sakuta sees a beautiful girl wearing a bunny girl costume just walking around the library. The odd thing is that nobody else can see her. She is Sakurajima Mai, and she suffers from puberty syndrome. It makes her invisible to people. Sakuta has to figure out what caused this in her before everyone in the world looses the ability to perceive her.
Basically, this is Bakemonogatari without the monsters. It’s wordy, it’s complex… and I love it. The characters are very well written and their problems are relatable. The humor isn’t bad either. Be warned, if you came here only for the fanservice you will be disappointed. I’m not saying there’s none, but it’s not Bakemonogatari levels.
Subtitles for the show are HS, while the audio dramas are from MPT, used here with their permission (since I also used their video).
Comments - 28
Isn’t a Bunny Girl basically Bestiality?
This is why I have problems with Monster Musume and cat girls.
why not use the good official subtitles instead of the bad official subtitles?
DmonHiro (uploader)
Technically no. There’s a fine line between them. It all depends on the furry level. Let me explain:
Level 1: Basically girls with cat/dog/etc ears and tails. Everything else is human. Perfectly safe. Example: Rem from Isekai Maou.
Level 2: Girls with added fur, usually on their hands and legs. Most likely have claws. Mostly safe. Example: Inaba from Killing Bites (transformed).
Level 3a: Monster girls. They are more monster then human. Here’s the fine line. Some of them are human just with different qualities. Like a Yuuki-onna. Perfectly safe if you can handle the side-effects.
Level 3b: Monster girls that look more like monsters then humans. Like Mia from Monster Musume. Technically safe, but might not be. Proceed at your own peril.
Level 4: Full blown furries. It might be easy to mistake Mia for a furry, but she is technically not. Her top half is still very much human. A real furry looks like an animal all over. Example: just go to Deviant Art and search for Sonic. You have been warned.
Forgive my ignorance, as this show aired a while back, but which are the good official subs? I’m not being sarcastic. Actually interested.
Listen man, if she’s got animal parts, she’s an animal.
Come on, you know this.
DmonHiro (uploader)
arvon2, don’t you judge me!
the subs from aniplus are actually accurately translated (which is what vivid used as a base). the subs from CR which you used are full of TL mistakes. i’m surprised you didn’t notice how bad they are.
DmonHiro (uploader)
I did notice how bad they were. I just didn’t know there was an alternative. Help me out, please. Where can I find those? Erai?
I got you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NifGoPo96M&list=PLE58qgIyFRWm8D1QFszShiXlhxvIooRl7
they’re hardsubbed so you can’t easily use them. that’s why other BD releases just used vivid.
DmonHiro (uploader)
But are those hardsubbed subs better then vivid?
You know a lot about this… Makes me wonder…
I will NEVER IN MY LIFE look up sonic in Deviant Art! I’d get nightmares for weeks.
no, vivid is based on those hardsubs so just use vivid
that would imply vivid somehow made the official subs worse which i find hard to believe. you have to try really hard to do that.
DmonHiro (uploader)
OK, this was my bad. I’ll make an update with Vivid subs. I forgot to add the scans anyway. But only after my next upload: Hugtto Precure.
Is this 10bit or 8bit ?
Hugtto Precure any good?
DmonHiro (uploader)
And yes, Hugto is very good. The CQC is back, full force. The story was pretty good with some exceptional episodes thrown in there. Has an actual male Precure that wasn’t just a “we’re inclusive, praise us”, and a very unusual angle for the main bad guy.
Interesting, but how does it compare to Gurren Lagann?
DmonHiro (uploader)
They have nothing in common. Like… literally nothing.
Oh so why bother?
DmonHiro (uploader)
This is a very odd conversation we’re having.
Keep seeding everybody… I will download it later :v
@ DmonHiro
… thank you :-) …this really was a fascinating story … the concept of a “puberty syndrome” has been getting batted around in the shrink community, and the occult community for many years
hehehehe … as for the comments about the degrees of furriness and how safe they are to interact with … not a bad breakdown :-D
… as a member of the furre community since the late 1960’s (back then was the first time I read a story that had that type of character, and totally enjoyed it) … from what I have seen over the decades … bestiality was usually used to refer to sex with creatures that you could NOT communicate with using human speech … they could not “tell” you yes or no without resorting to their teeth or claws … I wont go any deeper into it than that
LOL … and a saying I heard many long years ago … “erotic is using a feather, kinky is using the whole chicken” … :-p
Wakanim subs?
They actually hire professional translators.
They also subbed Kaguya.
Thanks for this!
is it only me or ep 5 has audio sync issue?
Edit: same for ep 6… also only few ep have chapters in them.
DmonHiro (uploader)
OK, I’m nuking this. I made a lot of mistakes. This is the last time I do these things at work.
NoobSubs Anyone that looks up the new Sonic like on Deviant Art is going to have nightmares. Sonic with hair is too fuckin weird. I told my kid to get it off her tablet and never show it again.
DmonHiro. Did you ever get this done with Subs(vivid)? I’ll continue to look for it myself. Check back here in a while to see if a reply was made.