[DVD_ISO] Yu-Gi-Oh! - Capsule Monsters (Movie Part 1+2) (US, 4Kids) :: Nyaa ISS

[DVD_ISO] Yu-Gi-Oh! - Capsule Monsters (Movie Part 1+2) (US, 4Kids)

2019-09-06 02:54 UTC
No information.
File size:
8.4 GiB
Info hash:
This is the last torrent from Koten Gars. These past 5 years were fun. But now I need to move on with my life. Koten Gars is Dead. I can't keep going. I'm sorry everyone. The Discord Server & the Torrents will all be deleted on September 14th, 2019. Save what you can. Plz do not share the files on Nyaa. AB & BakaBT are ok tho. I will dump all dead/incomplete projects to the Team Drive over the next 3 months. I will also post BDMVs from time to time on there to share, just plz use my name (Mr. Kimiko) on the torrents. I've had it with all the hate & shit I get for my encodes. I quit. I'm sorry. I need my life back. I'm only 25 years old. My Mum died in Dec. 2017. Dad is in rehab, I almost was living on the streets. I lost my wife-to-be cuz I loved Anime & Manga more. We had a good run. Goodbye guys! **Koten Gars** = Classic Guys *Bringing Back Your Favorites From The 80s & 90s.*

File list

Thanks brother. Good luck! ?
Sad to hear man! Have a good life. But why delete discord and torrent's? Please don't do that. Also thanks for this.
wow...your passion turned to be a double edged sword.wonder how my life would change if I was to quit anime all together.right now it's not the best,but it's not the worst either,somewhere in the middle.well maybe it's for the best for you.best of luck.thanks for all that you've done.
> I’ve had it with all the hate & shit I get for my encodes. I quit. I’m sorry. I need my life back. I’m only 25 years old. My Mum died in Dec. 2017. Dad is in rehab, I almost was living on the streets. I lost my wife-to-be cuz I loved Anime & Manga more. bruh
That's real neato but there's literally zero reason to delete everything off the database (nyaa). Just delete your bookmark and never come here again. Not that hard.
> The Discord Server & the Torrents will all be deleted on September 14th, 2019 Seems kinda stupid and a bit impulsive. Why delete everything you've built up over the years? All you're doing is making it harder for the people who want your releases in the future.

Mr_Kimiko (uploader)

@astral That's the whole point. I don't want any of my content on nyaa anymore.
> I don’t want any of my content on nyaa anymore. Why not? I can understand if you gave up seeding the torrents, but outright deleting them when others are seeding them for the indefinite future? That's not cool.
It's your fault, nyaa, my life sucks.
I respect your decision. But it’d be great if you could rip the last 5 tankōbons of [SCHOOL RUMBLE](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1173189).
Imagine blaming your issues on anime. Get help.
Bye, Kimiko. You will be missed!
>That’s the whole point. I don’t want any of my content on nyaa anymore. people can easily just reupload it
Mr. Kimiko, please don't delete all of your torrents man. Doing that serves no significant purpose and you will probably end up regretting it at some point in the near future. Anyways, there's some stuff I won't be able to grab before the 14th of this month because I haven't gotten another 8tb HDD yet. So if they're gone I won't be able to obtain those gracious blessings that you have bestowed upon us!
>I need my life back. I’m only 25 years old. My Mum died in Dec. 2017. Dad is in rehab, I almost was living on the streets. I lost my wife-to-be cuz I loved Anime & Manga more. Sounds like you're going through a really tough phase. Can't say I understand the thought process behind your decision but I respect it nonetheless. Wish you the best for your future endeavors. I bid you farewell, have a great life.
Bad news: Mr Kimiko is not changing his mind on deleting the torrents. Nothing I can do to change his mind on it Sorry
There is always AB lol most of his torrents are there
So you only gave attention to the haters and not to the ones who actually thanked you?
^thanksfags BTFO lmao
Never let a hobby become a priority in your life, and you allowed it. It's sorta like the gambling addicts and such, I guess. Unhealthy habits. Thanks and enjoy life.
I just want to say thanks for all the hard work you've done. I've enjoyed many of your encodes and will continue to rewatch those. It's unfortunate you're removing your torrents, but I do respect your decision. I'll try to cram as many as I can on my 4tb HDD until it's full. Once again, thank you so much for everything and have a good life.
Now, where can i find the episodes for Pokemon? Here in Mr_Kimiko was in HD.


Thank you for all your work! I respect all your decisions even if deleting torrents idea is not close to me, but I can understand it. Moving on is essential and 'starting a new life' challenge comes mostly without any option to reject it. At least it was so for me, at most I could only delay it. Another my experience is that: "I am not a dollar to be liked by everyone". And in your case there are many people who are grateful to you, just keep it in mind in your next life and move on. I do wish you a good luck!
Damn man, WTF did people do. Now I have to hurry and get a new HDD 10TB to upload stuff there. Please Koten just reconsider at least not deleting the torrents and letting everyone just seed. Still, I'm grateful with all the shares you made. I'll never forget them for sure.
From where you get the episodes of Pokemon Ultra Legends in HD?
If this really is it, then all I wanna say is thank you for everything.
Sooooo....will you do it?
Sad to hear that. I am glad for your sake that you are quitting. Thanks for everything and good luck further on in your life. I wish you all luck and well! ^_^ PS! No wonder he quitted. So many stupid dumbasses in this comment section. Why can't people be a bit nice. A bunch of ungrateful pricks. Ofc. this doesn't include everyone, but the haters doesn't deserve this kind of luxury. Again, thanks for everything Kimiko-sensei. You will be missed!
Thanks a bunch Mr. Kimiko for all the content you've put out for us, I've begun archiving your releases.
wow stay strong buddy. gonna miss you.
Thank you for all! Could someone plese share this iso again?
Can we please get a reseed on this?
Of course your encodes suck. Learn to encode to HEVC