HIJACK #7 FINAL MIX 10/25/19 :: Nyaa ISS

HIJACK #7 FINAL MIX 10/25/19

2019-10-28 02:01 UTC
anisonghijack.com | r-a-d.io
File size:
1.1 GiB
Info hash:
We're back at it again with HIJACK #7, we had a record number of DJs and listeners show up for #6 and we're glad to see this event get bigger and bring in more people to not only the r-a-d.io community, but the new HIJACK community as well. This week featured four of our core DJs putting on some of their best sets yet, be sure not to miss this mix, we've got anison and hardcore bangers being chopped up like never before, some of these sets are absolute fire. Also, this is a livestreamed event that takes place either the last or second to last Friday of every month and can be listened to on either anisonghijack.com or r-a-d.io. We are currently working on getting the HIJACK website setup and we may be changing some things around in the future, it's a work in progress. We are always looking for new DJs. If you are interested please message me at on IRC or send an email to [email protected] and I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. As always thank you for listening and we'll see you next month. はいはい戻りました!これは7回目のHIJACKですごくいい感じでした。このミックスは常連のDJさんの特技を示して超楽しい夜な感じがします。アニソンとEDMとか好きな人に是非ご聴取してください。そしていつも聞いている人に礼を言いたいと思います。いつも聞いてくれて本当にありがとうございます。日本人まさかこのイベントに興味を持つのは全然思いませんでした。感謝しています!これからよろしくお願いします! 演奏したいDJさんがいたら、是非[email protected]にメールを送ってください!いつも募集です! This week's schedule and timestamps: Chrono start - 2:15:38 Suzubrah - 2:15:38 - 4:18:52 Shimotsukei 4:18:52 - 6:27:08 Bacon 6:27::08 - finish

File list

  • HIJACK #7 FINAL MIX 10-25-19.mp3 (1.1 GiB)
Thank you very much, I love these mixes.