Infinite Stratos isn’t worth using premium credits for, it only adds Textless illustrations as bonus…
On the other hand, There Was No Secret Evil-Fighting Organization premium comes with 5 Bonus Short Stories and Invaders of the Rokujouma!? also comes with Bonus Short Stories for Volumes 13, 15-31, so I wouldn’t mind premium for both.
Comments - 3
Thank you for the share @LuCaZ. If possible, please share premium of Invaders of rokujouma, infinite stratos and no secret organization.
Infinite Stratos isn’t worth using premium credits for, it only adds Textless illustrations as bonus…
On the other hand, There Was No Secret Evil-Fighting Organization premium comes with 5 Bonus Short Stories and Invaders of the Rokujouma!? also comes with Bonus Short Stories for Volumes 13, 15-31, so I wouldn’t mind premium for both.