Ishuzoku Reviewers - OP/ED singable translation (english, french) + KFX :: Nyaa ISS

Ishuzoku Reviewers - OP/ED singable translation (english, french) + KFX

2020-02-05 00:00 UTC
File size:
94.3 MiB
Info hash:
I've been pissed for three weeks that no decent team decided to at least try to translate the opening and ending of Ishuzoku Reviewers, especially since they're so catchy. So there, I've done it. What good it will do, I don't know. If my work is of use to even a single person, it will be enough for me. I am neither a native english speaker nor a translator, so my english translation may leave something to be desired. I tried to make it somewhat singable, so I took some liberties from the original lyrics, but I believe I have left the overall meaning intact. I'm a lot more happy with my french translation, but who talks french in this day and age? Feel free to use or modify the content of this torrent without crediting me, it's not like I could do anything about it. If for some arcane motive you need to talk to me, feel free to pester me on discord or something. Pour ceux qui parlent effectivement français, la deuxième piste contient ma traduction française. Je me suis beaucoup amusé à rendre cette traduction chantable, et j'espère qu'elle vous amusera autant que moi. Source for the video encode is Judas :

File list

  • Ishuzoku Reviewers OP ED
    • Ishuzoku Reviewers - ED - Hanabira Ondo - KFX English French.mkv (42.7 MiB)
    • Ishuzoku Reviewers - OP - Ishuzoku Paradise - KFX English French.mkv (51.6 MiB)
Thanks for the effort. EDIT: DUDE, I'm literally on the second line of the OP and you managed to FUCK SHIT UP RIGHT AWAY LMAO EDIT2: Yeah, after seeing also the ED I can tell you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. "I tried to make it somewhat singable, so I took some liberties from the original lyrics, but I believe I have left the overall meaning intact" MY ASS LMAO
the translation is ass! but the rest is good readable font, not a trash effect for the karaoke thanks for the effort
And... if it does spur someone on to do a good job of this, hopefully that will be recognized. "I can do better than that" requires that something have been attempted in the first place. As he said, three weeks and nothing published.
94%... :02-:06, :10-:13, :30-:34. v2?
atrocious translation.

silvoswordo (uploader)

@Porenta I am honoured you think my kfx is not trash. I work hard to produce good-looking karaoke. @TTxKano I don't intend on releasing a v2. But I concur, these subtitles size up to a whopping 5MB each. Unfortunately ASSWipe breaks my colors and I can't be arsed to find a workaround. @dobuzuke12 @noZA_ The "horny and drunk" line was necessary to rhyme with "Whip out your junk!" I will say that most of the english ""translation"" of the ED was done in a drunken torpor as I was struggling to stay awake and just wanted to be done with it. I'm convinced any native speaker with a couple of neurons could do a better job than this, but it's not like anyone else even tried. That said, I'm really happy with the "bitches and whores" line, among others. I mean really, isn't that what the show's all about?
I'd rather have a literal translation that an attempt to be funny while rewriting the show. Given my limited knowledge of french I saw some differences between the two translations. That said, KFX looks really good, so I can hope someone chimes in and fix it. Edit: wtf is the ending? Two mountains towering over this new country / deus petits hommes entre deux wagons laitiers. These are 2 completely different things lol. Nvm translation is either troll or guessed.
guys how do you change nyaa profile pic?
As i some third country guy see, it would mean as two huge tits appears
Hehe, @nacimpalirmou it is a very good question, because nothing in the profile about the avatar. Try to ask the admin about, if i remember CheekyKoala

silvoswordo (uploader)

@Interruptor About your edit, here is the original line : 二つ双子の山越えて Which could be crudely translated by : Two crossed over the twin mountains Which I rearranged (some could say butchered I guess) in order to end up with the same number of feet and similar rhythmic pattern as the original line. And you are right, the literal meaning of my french translation is very different from the original. But I believe that the overall spirit (nursery rhyme-like lyrics; symmetry in the use of the number two; gross allegory of mammaries) is preserved. So yes, I would understand people saying that this translation is bad, that I am rewriting the lyrics, or even that my translation sounds like garbage and is not singable despite all my efforts; but I will not abide by people saying that I am simply trolling or guessing! I did what I could with my limited knowledge capabilities, and all my decisions were weighed (though questionably) to make what I hoped would be singable and adequate translation. So you may describe this translation as misguided, but I assure you that this is neither a troll nor a guesslation. pls no bulli @nacimpalirmou @martinxk Is this the best place to ask that? There's a paragraph about it in this webpage:
@silvoswordo maybe it is not the best place to ask, but is someone ask, it would be nicer to try to help istead of barking. Although, translating is a very difficult job. You do not need to translate literally all words, because on your own language maybe sounds very bad. Famous translators, poets, novellwriters took the right to translate to their language as it sounds best, Rhymes, and other stuff. OK, you must be faithful to the original, but you can choose which words you want to use. We hungarians always watch dubbed movies and the dub and the english subs does not always match, but we understand the original concept, everyone uses terms from their own language. Just an example, translating from japanese to hungarian and from hungarian to english,二つ双子の山越えて it sounds: Beyond the twin mountains.
I understand taking liberties here and there to make the song flow and feel better in the hears of the listener and I'm all for that, but to me it looks like you took WAYYY too many liberties while translating. It's not about having a literal translation but a more literal one, which is different. I understand your reasoning but I still want something closer to the original than a liberal reinterpretation.
@Interruptor , as @Weasalopes sort of hints , we await your submission to act as a comparison to show us how it should be done !!
I can disregard everything with this upload, but the use of French is absolutely SCANDALEUX !
If you think this anime is about bitches and whores you have absolutely no idea what this anime is about or your comprehension of the English language is so low that you can't tell the difference between a neutral noun and an insult and I say so as a non native English speaker.

silvoswordo (uploader)

"and I say so as a non native English speaker" thx for quality comment