Hey guys, this torrent PACK contains BOTH (1) Crusher Joe AND (2) Dirty Pair! The reason WHY I packed these TWO torrents is because they basically are a SHARED universe of sorts so I felt that many of YOU would benefit from downloading this pack ^_^!!! Furthermore, I made sure to ORGANIZE this pack (like I do ALL of MY torrent’s) so that you know the best order to watch the series in!
"Connections with Dirty Pair:
Crusher Joe takes place in the same general universe as the Dirty Pair light novels with cameos between the two franchises. The two series officially crossover in the light novel Dirty Pair’s Rough and Tumble where Kei and Yuri meet Crusher Dan, the father of the series protagonist Joe. Also, aside from the fact that both were written by Haruka Takachiho, Dirty Pair took place around 20 years before Crusher Joe.
In the Crusher Joe: The Movie, A movie of the Dirty Pair is shown at a scene taking place at a drive-in movie theater.
In Dirty Pair: Project Eden, the four main characters are shown briefly on the monitor in the Lovely Angel while Mughi is controlling it."
This torrent pack contains the following (ALL in 1080p and DUAL Audio UNLESS otherwise noted):
1a. CJ - Movie (1983)
1b. CJ - OVAs (1989)
1c. CJ - Extras
2a. DP - TV Series (1985-88 - JAP Audio)
2b. DP - OVA 1 (1985)
2c. DP - The Movie (1986)
2d. DP2 - Original DP (1987-88 - JAP Audio)
2e. DP - OVA 2 (1990)
2f. DP - Flash (1994-96)
2g. DP - Extras
With the Dirty Pair “TV Series”, there unfortunately NEVER was an ENGLISH dub released for the series! However, with the “Dirty Pair 2 (Original Dirty Pair)” OVA series, there WAS one released BUT I, nor my fellow peer [sxales], could NOT get the version available to sync properly to this BluRay release :!!! In fact, as [sxales] would say on his torrent:
“There is an English dub for this OVA but unfortunately they put the eyecatch on top of the end of scenes rather than between them. I am not sure if the American release trimmed those scenes themselves or if the Japanese BD has extended scenes. Either way there were noticeable gaps (30+ seconds) in the dub (in scene which had characters talking no less) so I chose to leave them out.”
Plot Synopsis:
Crusher Joe: The Movie - “Amid a supposedly simple escort mission, Joe and his crew experience a failure during their warp travel. They wake up just to find out that the passengers are missing. To make things worse, the United Space Force accuses them of committing space piracy and Crusher HQ suspends their licenses for six months. To clear their names, they head out to the dangerous planet of Lagol to find the person who hired them for that particular mission.”
Crusher Joe (OVAs): The Ice Prison and The Ultimate Weapon, ASH - “Two missions for the crushers. In The Ice Prison”, Joe and his team are assigned to adjust the orbit of a prison located on an ice asteroid before it disintegrates as it falls onto the planet Kirius. The prison is filled with political prisoners contrary to the autocracy of Kirius consequently rising the suspicion of the crushers. In “The Final Weapon: Ash”, the team is secretly hired directly by the president of the nation of Bandor to rescue an officer carrying a bomb capable of annihilating all living organisms of an entire planet."
Dirty Pair: TV Series - “The semi-coherent story of a pair of teenage intergalactic private eyes, Kei and Yuri. Their code name is “Lovely Angels”, but they’re better known—universe-wide, in fact—as the “Dirty Pair”. Their arrival at the scene of a mystery is always a source of hope and dread, since: 1) they always solve the case, 2) wherever they go, something gets horribly wrecked, up to and including entire planets. Lucky for them—but not-so-lucky for the rest of the universe—there are always some sort of extenuating circumstances that support their most often-used phrase, “It’s not our fault”.”
Dirty Pair: Affair on Nolandia (OVA) - “The Dirty Pair are traveling to the planet of Ookbar in search of a missing girl. Kei and Yuri have traced Missinie to the forest of Nolandia, but their investigations have stalled thanks to the less than helpful Chief of Security. But the Dirty Pair have never let a little bureaucracy stand in their way. It’s the unicorns and UFOs, not to mention the rampaging killer robot, that are going to be the problem as the Dirty Pair tackle their toughest case yet in Affair of Nolandia.”
Dirty Pair: Project Eden (Movie) - “Sent to the planet Agerna to investigate a feud between two opposing factions, Kei and Yuri must find out why strange creatures are attacking Vizorium test plants.”
Dirty Pair 2: Original DP (OVA Sequel) - “Set in the future Kei and Yuri are Trouble Consultants for the 3WA; codenamed “Lovely Angels”, but they are known throughout the galaxy as the Dirty Pair. They always solve their case, but not without causing collateral damage and mayhem.”
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy (OVA) - “Kei and Yuri are called in to solve the mystery of a vanishing starship.”
Dirty Pair FLASH - “The beginning of the team “The Lovely Angels” aka “Dirty Pair” and the growing pains of this new team.”
Name (Title): CRUSHER JOE (1983-1989) and DIRTY PAIR (1985-1996) - Complete Movie, OVA, TV Series - 1080p BluRay DUAL AUDIO x264.
Category Type: Anime | Cartoons (Movies, TV Shows, and OVAs).
Year(s): 1983-89 (for Crusher Joe) and 1985-96 (for Dirty Pair).
Genre(s): Action, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Suspense, etc…
Resolution: 1080p.
Rip Type (Sources):
VIDEOS: BluRay videos for everything thanks to a release group by the name of [Moozzi2]!
AUDIOS: The JAPANESE audios are ALL from the [Moozzi2] raws while I extracted the ENGLISH audio tracks from the [sxales] rip of the series (and remuxed AND properly SYNCED them to this torrent’s files which took a LOT of time, LOL)!
Codec Type: x264.
Format of File(s): MKV(s) for EVERYTHING but the “Extras” (since those are only ONE audio track with NO subs that I could find or anything).
Audio Format & Language(s): DUAL Audios -> ENGLISH and JAPANESE audio tracks in AC3 2.0 2-Channel Format.
Subtitles: YES -> Internal ENGLISH “SSA” subs muxed into each MKV file.
Info Link(s):
Comments - 25
265 version pls. too much space on this one.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ SomaHeir
Be sure to leave a comment someday giving everybody a REVIEW regarding the quality, organization, content: okay?
@ defo8811
LOL, if you want an HEVC (“x265 version”) of the contents of this torrent (from someone else though), you can download them here:
I personally am NOT a fan all that much of the HEVC format due to the LOW compatibility rate of it as compared to the x264 (AVC) format which is nearly UNIVERSAL in terms of playback…
In regards to the “TOO MUCH space” bit, remember that this torrent is a pack containing TWO “complete” series (both Crusher Joe AND Dirty Pair) instead of just one or the other…
Had no idea. Thanks for that info. I see they pop up in the movie according to https://myanimelist.net/anime/2722/Crusher_Joe
I’m not certain where you’re getting this “low compatibility” from but that’s false and I’m certain you would not only get smaller file size difference but higher quality by going the HEVC route (excluding re-encodes but quality would be better than 8 bit H264) especially if using its 10 bit or 12 bit offering. Not just this but you’ll have your encodes prepped for years to come compared to 8 bit H264.
Now if you’d had wrote less computation requirements than yeah H264 8 bit wins on that but that’s it.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ noZA_
Thanks for the clarification regarding the HEVC encoding format.
I MAY start doing x265 encodes…SOMEDAY :P!
Thank you, you are awesome …
We want hokuto no ken , 720 or 1080 softsub, with movies and
Ova. And hokuto no ken roahgiden legend of darkking
Also, Dragon Ball with movies and ova Blu-ray
. a Japanese version without cutting and censoring
look here
Best version
Cornflower.Studio 1280x960
@ animepacks007
… I am currently grabbing your Ghost in the Shell batch … thank you for that !
… would it be possible for you to do a batch for Mardock Scramble … all the other torrents are either long dead, or have major problems (like the sound track is out of sync with the video, and the subtitles are also out of sync)
… the other batch I would request is, Malice@Doll … a great very dark/twisted story … the other torrents are all long dead
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ KenshiroLegend
THANKS for the links, my friend! I’ll definitely do ANOTHER (better) version of the FOTNS series that I already have uploaded now that YOU have presented me with such links ;)!
@ brennu
I see quite a few Mardock Scramble releases here on the site (and DUAL AUDIO at that), LOL! Is there anything in particular that you want for ME to do and upload for you all
I’ll look into the Malice@Doll series as I’ve never heard of that one before ;)!
Thank you
This is another edition for a great team, and I think it is best that you can rely on this beautiful version and it is available here on nyaa
Hokuto no ken s1- s2
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ KenshiroLegend
Thanks for letting me know! However, it seems to have NO seeders :…
Project Eden and Nolandia have both dubs(Streamline and ADV)included,but Flight 005 Conspiracy is missing the Streamline dub.For some reason it’s hard to find it on the internet even though it was included on the DVDs released by Nozomi along with the ADV dub(it seems like nobody ever bothered to release it on the internet)
I feel like this is probably a dumb question but… with older material like this, is there any advantage to a 1080 encode over the 720 version?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ pg1
Thanks for that tidbit of missing information: I wish that I would’ve known about the additional English Dub that you mentioned :!
@ aRagStain
LOL, I guess if you want a HIGHER resolution, then Yes. But other than that, I’m not sure how to answer that question :P.
lol @animepacks007 appreciate the answer. More specifically, I mean the source material is going to be at 720x576 at best, right? So what’s the point of sharing/downloading at 1080 when 720 is already oversampling the SD resolution? Or am I way off and this is from a 1080 HD source?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ aRS
Well, I got these encodes from a 1080p BLURAY source which I referenced up above (you can find the “Moozi2” encodes on this site)! I’m still a bit confused because as far as I know, these are NOT “upscales” from a low-res DVD source.
Download the torrent (if you already haven’t) and tell me what you think of the quality ;), okay?
Is it me, or is Dirty Pair TV episode 24 and 26 the same file name with different file size?
animepacks007 (uploader)
Sorry for the late reply.
LOL, I probably made a mistake naming episode 26 the same as 24 (although they are different episodes): my bad, mate! The episodes ARE different though and NOT duplicates (which is the main thing)…
Keep in mind that these anime are from film elements. And the resolution of film can far exceed NTSC video. And in 16mm or 32mm film, a modern scan can take full advantage of HDTV resolution and color gamut. So you’ll see more detail and color if the transfer was done right. Heck, let’s get the Dirty Pair and Crusher Joe movies in 4K! 😄
Thanks for these. I look forward to the day you start start doing x265 encodes!
Thank you for these collections, OP. Really saved me a lot of time. I hope you can do one for Gall Force and City Hunter in the future. Also second doing X265/HEVC encodes if you can.
Looks like ass, the saturation is punched up and the image looks smudged and “denoised” compared to other releases.
gracias por compartir
Awesome torrent! Thank you!