Two video releases recapping events from the Gundam Wing TV series. Each Operation Meteor video contains an ‘Odd’ episode and an ‘Even’ episode. The ‘Odd’ episodes feature Heero, Trowa and Wufei, while the ‘Even’ episodes feature Duo and Quatre. The episodes also featured brief new footage of the characters after the final episode of the TV series. … source anidb
Encoded from the JP BD with English subtitles from the US BD. Single Audio: Japanese (Stereo FLAC). This one is long neglected on the US market; only finally being released a couple years ago. While it is mostly a recap it does fill the gap a little nicer between the end of the series and the start of the OVA.
I did these subs myself from the US PGS subs. Let me know if there are any errors or inconsistencies.
I would appreciate any help seeding.
Comments - 5
This is great!
You said “mostly” a recap. So does it have any new scenes?
Damn, I don’t think this was even available on BD.
I think it’s mostly intermissions between the events if I remember correctly. So technically, it has some new scenes and dialogue.
Thank you very much, I was looking for these specials subtitled for many years.