Mizuho Yuuki’s best friend Miko has fallen in love with Tohru. Miko is fairly innocent and comes from a strict background so Mizuho tries not to get in the way of their relationship despite her growing awareness of Tohru who is currently boarding with her family, and accepts going on a date with the wealthy Haruhiko. There is also outside interference from Ai, a younger student in their school, who also likes Tohru. … source anidb
Encoded from the R2 DVD. Single Audio: Japanese (Stereo Dolby Digital AC3).
I would appreciate any help seeding.
Comments - 9
Do you have the alternate version of episode 4?
What alternate version?
sxales (uploader)
Unfortunately, it wasn’t on the DVD with the rest of the episodes and I couldn’t track down a source for it.
sxales (uploader)
@SomaHeir There was an alternate version of the 4th episodes which featured a softcore sex scene but it wasn’t on this DVD.
thank you again. I don’t delete any torrents from my torrent client so you can expect me to seed for a really long time.
https://anime.thehylia.com/download_file/68909 Is by any chance this?
Also same site has one that says Ecchi version here > https://anime.thehylia.com/download_file/68907
Thank you.