[DmonHiro] The Gargoyle Of The Yoshinagas 03 (DVD, 386p) :: Nyaa ISS

[DmonHiro] The Gargoyle Of The Yoshinagas 03 (DVD, 386p)

2020-07-03 16:58 UTC
File size:
288.0 MiB
Info hash:
![image](https://i.ibb.co/hVnY9pr/EX-1-Clean-Opening-mkv-snapshot-00-13-567.png) Here's episode 3. Sorry for the delay. TL note: I translated "Kaitou" as "master thief" since there's no direct translation and I didn't want to leave the Japanese word in. I should have made it "phantom thief". I'll correct that for the batch.

File list

English? In my subtitles?

DmonHiro (uploader)

It's more likely then you think.
wtf you can't just translate words

DmonHiro (uploader)

I'll fuckin do it again.
stolen girl ass?
Hey, I saw your "Nurse Angel Remux" upload on Nyaa, which made me notice your awesome old animes collections .You also try to focus on a untouched rips and that's a very great thing to do . Well .. I'm looking for another old anime called Kaiketsu Zorro . I want the untouched DVDs for it .There are 2 releases , the first one is from Japan( some people told me there're only VHS tapes not DVDs, but I'm not sure), while the other one is remastered from German and I prefer the older Japanese one ( if it was a DVD source not VHS) over the German release . I tried to buy the German DVDs, but to no avail . I really hope you can get them and share them with us . Untouched Web-DLs can suit me fine as well . Speaking of Web-DLs , I heard Germany streaming services had a good remaster for it ( I think it's the same remaster used in their German DVDs) and it would be appreciated if someone grabbed an untouched WEB-DL rip of that . After that it would be possible to remove the German audios and replace it with the Japanese audios ( I got them from encoded sources on the internet) I have after syncing them to the footage / video . It's a great anime, I've used to watch it since I was a kid ,I watched it in Arabic, the dub was great and semi- accurate, but now I want to watch it in its original Japanese audio and I don't mind having the English one as a bonus . The English speaking community do not have a full accurate English subtitles for this anime As far as I know and the English dub acting is not that good. I think that's why most of people do not know about it . Using Arabic Dub, some Arabic subtitles that were done by fansubber who understands some Japanese, Korean subtitles and the English Dubbed version , I can translate the show into English ( Japanese audio with English subs ) if I get my hands on a proper version that I can be completely satisfied with . Thanks for your efforts and time !

DmonHiro (uploader)

I don't have it, and can't get it either.
I'm thinking its about time someone re-released Twin Spica! :D
@DmonHiro What about Fushigi Yuugi and Dirty Pair ? ( DVD ISOs / remuxes ) Sorry for my off comments though ^_^" .

DmonHiro (uploader)

@junkyboy, I don't have the DVD iso for that, but I do have some nice DVD rips. @dragonballlover, I'll pass on those. Especially since Dirty Pair now has a Bluray.
@DmonHiro Well , I take it you don't feel like watching Fushigi Yuugi and that's fine with /by me . As for Dirty Pair, its Bluray release wasn't really remastered . it's a mere upscale with de-graining , filtering and such =_= !
A decent twin spica release would be awesome since its out of print and there are no decent non avi releases (that Ive seen). Is the rip you have the EruPii-Raws release? If so, isnt its aspect ration weird? As if it was trimmed to be letterbox...

DmonHiro (uploader)

No, it's the opposite. Twin Spica was always 16/9, but aired 4/3. So the TV version was trimmed, not the DVD.
DmonHiro, just out of curiosity how many BDs/DVDs do you own? You must have quite a collection! Thanks for sharing it with us :D

DmonHiro (uploader)

I own almost nothing. I just download stuff.
Oh, that explains, lol. With all the BDs/DVDs you upload here, I was imagining your room looking like this: https://gaminghistory101.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/huge_video_game_collection.png