Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R1+R2
Video Source:- BDMV
Subtitle source:- ShadyCrab
Audio:- Dual-audio with preferred FLAC or OPUS audio (remove any one of them using the track remover)
Chapters:- yes
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection
Video Source:- BDMV
Subtitle source:- MTBB
Audio:- Dual-audio with preferred TrueHD 5.1 or AC3 5.1 or Opus 2.0 audio (remove any one of them using the track remover)
Chapters:- yes
Recommended player:- mpv
Encoded straight from the bdmv at RF 18 HEVC using HB
ive included picture dramas and nunnally’s diary from the bdmb (used subtitles from CBM)
added English dub but you can remove it using the track remover and for it to work download MKVToolNix
I recommend using Opus for the series and AC3 5.1 for the movie audio since I found no difference in audio quality and it saves a lot of space
Comments - 9
i think this is better seperate each audio file into a folder, so they dont need to download the whole audio format that they want to remove it.
So this is how super seeding works. I guess it’s pretty effective for making people actually stick around, but hella slow.
COde Geass!!!
dummy_dum_dum (uploader)
@rozee ill think about it
@Simplistic well i am sorry yo my upload speed is 2 mnps so just have patience though ill consider buying a seedbox
@dummy_dum_dum oh dw, I wasn’t complaining or anything I was just being a nerd.
Also: I’ll be uploading a version of this with OPUS only audio for those who don’t have the bandwidth to download all the audio formats.
@dummy_dum_dum can you please upload ippo again but in a better quality please
repaired subs @R2 - ep.18 (there seems to be glitch around 8m that makes subs desync)
Please seed