This is the official English translation by Tappytoon.
Reminder that this is a (Manhwa) Webtoon. It’s a must-read with a long-strip supporting app.
I recommend using SumatraPDF for PC, and ComicScreen or Tachiyomi for your phone.
Allright @LuCaZ :) listing
I download 111-113 and used diffrent book readers( comic screen - moon reader ) but some pages didn’t work well. Don’t know if somone else having same problem
(It works on Laptop)
Can u share them in diffrent zipping format or jpg ?
@Cap_Nemo All pages load completely fine on my end (using ComicScreen), but I may have an idea of why that’s happening to you. If somebody else is having the same issues, let me know.
Works fine on Sumatra as well. @Cap_Nemo Just extract the file if you want the images. If you have 7-Zip, it allows you to extract it as it is; with WinRAR I think you’ll have to change the format from ‘.cbz’ to ‘.zip’ first.
Comments - 4
Allright @LuCaZ :) listing
I download 111-113 and used diffrent book readers( comic screen - moon reader ) but some pages didn’t work well. Don’t know if somone else having same problem
(It works on Laptop)
Can u share them in diffrent zipping format or jpg ?
LuCaZ (uploader)
@Cap_Nemo All pages load completely fine on my end (using ComicScreen), but I may have an idea of why that’s happening to you. If somebody else is having the same issues, let me know.
Works fine on Sumatra as well.
@Cap_Nemo Just extract the file if you want the images. If you have 7-Zip, it allows you to extract it as it is; with WinRAR I think you’ll have to change the format from ‘.cbz’ to ‘.zip’ first.
Allright thanks both
Thanks aagin ^^