[鬼滅之刃劇場版] [Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie Mugen Train][雙語][繁體中字][720P][槍版] :: Nyaa ISS

[鬼滅之刃劇場版] [Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie Mugen Train][雙語][繁體中字][720P][槍版]

2020-12-04 14:26 UTC
File size:
2.9 GiB
Info hash:
片名:鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇 / Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train 解析度:槍版 720p 音訊:普通話+ 原聲日語 字幕:電商版繁體中字 格式:MKV 大小:2.9G

File list

  • Demon Slayer the Movie Mugen Train 2020 720p NEW HDCAM CHINESE-SUB Dual-Audio -ININDER.mkv (2.9 GiB)
First 5 mins Blurry
what happened to the other uploader 7.9gb movie
Dude... It's because of stupid upload like this you kill all the concept of true fansub, edit or good upload. Ufotable is one of this Studio who deserve praise and really invest themselves to product good result. And you release a CAM RIP. You can edit 100x, even good work, that doesn't change the fact you don't serve the community with that, only the stupid people who can't wait. If you want congratulation for your work of edit, for your own self-satisfaction, it's just selfishness. If you think you're generous here, you're just blind. It's a movie everyone awaited, we don't need this kind of stuff, post it on a streaming service or else if you want, but please, don't pollute the TRUE FANBASE with your egoistic RIP. People who REALLY LOVE Kimetsu no yaiba will wait to have a Bluray / DVD release to download and have a copy on PC, and buy the product later at some convention or online. It's because of stupid behavior like this we have downfall everywhere, because people don't NEED TO WAIT anymore, like the shit we have with Pokemon nowadays. Please, remove this, and think about it. And if people want it this way, that's people who don't even care about.
@mayukawa Made an account just to reply to your nonsense. There is legit arguments against camripping. But you are just a hypocrite, you are saying in your comment that a "true fan" will dowload the BluRay rip and buy a copy at a later date. How the hell is that different from people watching this camrip? You will still be pirating and its not like people that watch this rip can't or won't do the same as you claim you will do and buy merchandise of the movie at a later date. It's just something so stupid to say in my opinion,
@muyakawa What the fuck are you talking about!? Dude, you dont make any f***ing sense at all. If you dont want a camrip and want a bluray copy then go f***ing find it somewhere else if you ever find one you stupid f**k. Dont blame the uploader because he's just providing us whats available at the time. If you don't want this fu**ing release then go find your blu ray shit if you ever find one. No one f**king cares about you dude and your talking like he wants to take praise for what he's doing and saying the studio is the one who deserverd to be praised etc... even though your still going to PIRATE it. You should just be greatful that your getting a pirated copy because these uploaders do things unlike your usless ass.
After reading @myaukawa 's post I have decided to not download this, I mean it's only logical as a true KnY fan I cannot accept this level of quality and must wait my turn to watch it; Otherwise I would be letting my peers down, and that just cannot happen! I will never allow myself to stray again! Truly, thank you for the inspiration I was weak and now have been enlightened to the ways of a True KnY fan!
@myaukawa FAR CUP Silly person and Delete Your account already, so us REAL TRUE FANBASE Fans can do what we do best. Indulge in the things we like/love and if it wasn't to our liking, we move on rather then shite on the Uploader for providing us with a Low Quality YET Much Earlier Copy. I mean Fck.. Chill tf out Baki's Evil Twin Sister and lay off the damn DesoxynLOOL. Have an Awesome Xmas you moaning lil Twunt o__O
@mayukawa lol. Download at your discretion, though it is better to watch it at the best quality possible..there will always be those who wants to watch it fast regardless of what is currently available at the moment. So screw your nonsense opinion. **waiting for BD release btw, im just browsing at the comment section for "EXPERTS"
@mayukawa If you don't like it, you can get out... Ungrateful cunt!
Hahahahaha!!! They HAD to know this was coming, right? I mean super popular anime, movie released in theaters and considering what this site is and what people tend to do. Anyways, the first 2 replies pretty much summed it up so I'm not sure if there's anything to add.. except for the fact that you should definitely delete your account if you're just gonna spout pretentious self-righteous shit like that my dude. You are lacking in all self-awareness if you wrote all that, hit send, AND waited an hour without deleting it. People like you are an absolute plague to sites and forums like this. YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR PLACE, FILTH. What have you ever contributed to any community ever? What have you created? Nothing, it would seem. You are here just like the rest of us, so get off your high-horse and your soapbox N I ?️?️ A. You are garbage doo doo butter. Maybe do something productive with your life rather than being all uppity in a place where you'll gain nothing but a reputation as a laughingstock. Also talking big like that as if you're some sort of beacon shows just how full of yourself you are and you like to look down on others. Truth is, you don't need a burial to be six feet under. You're the one being looked down on in that hole of yours. (;
我真心同情你,但你应该放弃。 这是盗版盛行的中国人普遍的思维方式。 某些对日本抱有敌意的亚洲人并没有创造新事物的智慧。 他们的种族自卑感使他们模仿并宣称自己的出身而不自知,这是自古以来就没有改变的事实。