[TypesEdit] Strawberry Panic - 01 [subtitles and fonts] :: Nyaa ISS

[TypesEdit] Strawberry Panic - 01 [subtitles and fonts]

2021-02-24 10:09
No information.
File size:
3.2 MiB
Info hash:

And now for something completely different.

Note: if you want a muxed release, please see the instructions provided in the text document. These subtitles are timed and typeset to source video from U2-Rip, which is recommended as the best available quality on SeaSmoke’s index. Unfortunately, it is an upscale and as such cannot be included with this torrent per Nyaa rules. The reason I have chosen this video source is that all of the others had issues:

  • Deadmau Raws is the correct resolution (768x576), but it has interlacing artifacts, and aegisub interprets the keyframes differently than mpv so I can’t do proper frame timing
  • KgOlve is anamorphic 4:3, which breaks all of my typesetting (resampling the script doesn’t help). It also has English credits, and the audio quality is noticeably worse.
  • HKG&X2 and YYK are both XViD
  • NakamaSub is a re-encode
  • Doremi and Froth-Bite are both hardsubbed
  • nothing else is seeded

Edit: For this and all future episodes, subtitles and fonts will be in the mega folder. I won’t be doing subtitles and fonts torrents for individual episodes after this one, but I will do a batch of them when it’s all done.

Subtitles are heavily modified KgOlve:

  • manually retimed
  • restyled
  • added karaoke
  • typeset signs
  • translated some additional signs
  • changed to eastern name order (honorifics kept)
  • improved the flow of the dialogue

The base translation was fine in terms of accuracy, but it had ellipses all over the place and didn’t always sound like idiomatic English. This was also the only translation I’ve ever seen to combine western name order with honorifics, which makes for a truly strange viewing experience.

I’ll be using this tag in the future for anything that I typeset and edit. From scratch translations will be released under the [BitchWitch] tag. [HairColor] will only be used when the subs have such color coding, which they do not in this case (I thought about doing hair colors for Strawberry Panic, but decided against it because there are too many characters).

I can’t say how often these will come out, though it certainly won’t be every day like Higurashi has been. I’d like to take my time and make the best release I can.

File list

  • [TypesEdit] Strawberry Panic - 01 [subtitles and fonts]
    • 75749___.TTF (46.2 KiB)
    • AGaramondPro-Bold.otf (73.6 KiB)
    • AauxNext-Black.otf (65.8 KiB)
    • DFPHSMincho-W9.ttf (2.8 MiB)
    • Korean_Calligraphy.ttf (26.0 KiB)
    • PPETRIAL.ttf (106.6 KiB)
    • Strawberry Panic - 01.ass (93.9 KiB)
    • frenchgr.ttf (54.6 KiB)
    • instructions.txt (4.0 KiB)