Saotome Ranma and his father, Genma, fell into cursed springs during a journey to China. As a result, whenever Ranma comes into contact with cold water, he turns into a girl; when the same thing happens to Genma, he becomes a panda. Wheneven that happens, they stay in their alternative form until the process is reversed by hot water. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Ranma has a bigger problem to deal with: his father and Tendou Souun decide to marry Ranma to the youngest daughter of the Tendou household, Akane, so that the two can eventually take over her family’s dojo. Meanwhile, the youngsters are less than thrilled about this forced engagement… source anidb
Encoded from the JP BD. Dual Audio: Japanese (Stereo FLAC), English (Stereo AAC). I couldn’t find a good lossless source for the English dub and I wasn’t going to download the US BD just to get it so English audio and subtitles are from Refha. I left all the other language subtitles in there too.
Because of the length of this series, I crunched it more than I usually would and without the lossless English dub it ended up pretty small for 173 episodes. However, because of the high level of noise in the source there are bound to be issues, but hopefully they won’t be too distracting. Let me know if you find any particularly bad ones and I can correct them.
I would appreciate any help seeding.
Comments - 15
Thank you.
is it better than DHD release?
YES! I’ve been waiting for this release to happen eventually. Refha’s and DHD’s releases are way too big, so this release is a space saver for sure. Thanks again.
Nice work ! Thanks a lot ! It sounds very good but unfortunately the jikai parts can’t be played.
Thank you dear, although the eng dub are bad
This is great! I just wish it had separate subtitles for the signs like cleos encode.
Thank you for the excellent encode and seeding.
I have found, so far, that episodes are mislabeled.
I have not gone all the way through, but some mid season 2 was numbered among the season 1, so I am having to go through each episode, check the episode title, then rename the file.
I am guessing I will do this 161 times.
thanks for this! will be seeding for a while.
Thank you.
@Moonsaber They may be out of order according to the television release, but part of the Anniversary Blu-ray release was to put the episodes in the proper Manga Chronological order. As someone who read the manga while the series was still being released on VHS, I appreciate the reshuffle. I appreciate that they did what they had to in order to get ratings better to get the 2nd season to even happen by introducing Shampoo earlier but it always made for an awkward viewing order for those that didn’t know the background. This keeps there from being strange flashbacks that happen before the episode that they happen in, and I think most people appreciate that. If you’re re-ordering this for a plex server change to the Absolute order, and then you don’t actually have to relabel anything outside of the OVA’s and Specials which you would have had to do anyway because that’s just how plex works.
This thing just saved my life a lot (plex user), thx.
I was about to start the mega renaming job 😅 and I was re-reading the comment about it.
This is probably negligible to most people but the lack of next episode previews bother me. This isn’t the “complete” package I hoped it’d be after downloading so many different versions.
The usage of is now