[TypesEdit] Strawberry Panic - 07 [DVD 704x528 XviD_BF 8bit AC3].mkv [CHECK COMMENTS FOR UPDATES] :: Nyaa ISS

[TypesEdit] Strawberry Panic - 07 [DVD 704x528 XviD_BF 8bit AC3].mkv [CHECK COMMENTS FOR UPDATES]

2021-10-17 05:26
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429.4 MiB
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Finally an episode that didn’t throw a monkey wrench into my process.

Anyway, go grab the subtitles and fonts for the upscale. I only release these inferior versions to have a Nyaa presence, so don’t expect this torrent to be seeded for very long.

Edit (04/02/2023): The mega link above only contains subtitles and fonts now. Somehow the other stuff got deleted, so to play it safe I won’t be reuploading the video files there. (see below for new links). I do plan on finishing this eventually, but I won’t be doing these individual episode releases anymore, since it’s such a pain to resample the subtitles, fix all the errors that causes, and re-time them to an inferior raw. Should I ever finish, I’ll upload a batch torrent with just the subtitles and fonts for all 26 episodes, plus instructions on how to obtain the proper release.

This whole thing could proceed much more quickly if one of the following things were to happen:

  • Nyaa starts allowing upscaled video
  • Somebody uploads a non-upscaled raw, with the same frame timing as the upscaled one, no interlacing, and most importantly, not anamorphic. That anamorphic video in KgOlve’s release really wreaks havoc on my typesetting.

For those curious, it appears someone else uploaded their own typeset version claiming to match to KgOlve’s raw. Judging by the font choices I’m guessing they didn’t use mine as a base. I have no idea how good these are, but they serve as an alternative to anyone unwilling to wait for me to finish.

Edit (04/23/2023): Subtitles and fonts for episode 8 are on the mega now. Further updates Notifications of new episodes will be provided via comment (because checking the number of comments doesn’t require opening the torrent page).

Edit (05/08/2023): Muxed releases are back on the mega. Here are updated links:
episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14

File list

  • [TypesEdit] Strawberry Panic - 07 [DVD 704x528 XviD_BF 8bit AC3].mkv (429.4 MiB)

Thanks for doing Strawberry Panic!

typesetter (uploader)


And here we are, 18 months later, with subtitles and fonts for the next episode. As always, timed to the U2-Rip raw – things won’t line up nicely if you use a different raw.

This is actually my favorite episode. Name one other anime that devotes an entire episode’s worth of plot to umbrella sharing. But that has nothing to do with why I stalled so long…

So, this episode had horrendously difficult signs. The “Extra Umbrellas” sign alone takes up 469 lines in the final script, most of which had to be tweaked by hand because, let’s face it, there are just some situations where automation scripts aren’t enough to get the job done. In particular, Hyperdimensional Relocator can’t seem to get the hang of tracking a clip along a diagonal \move path. Motion tracking with Blender wasn’t an option for that sign either, because random things kept fading in and out, not to mention I’ve never been able to motion track both position and clipping on the same sign. The other sign which was quite annoying was the triangular prism containing the names of the three clubs, especially the part where it rotates haphazardly.

Basically, I’d pick things back up once every few weeks/months and make some progress, then zonk out when I realized how much there was still left to do. For a while there I thought I’d never finish. Luckily someone pinged me on AnimeBytes asking about the subs, finally giving me that last little bit of perseverance to get this done… three weeks later.

Unrelated side note: it didn’t come up in this episode, but I’m wondering what the proper name is for one of the three schools. The official subs have it as “Le Rim”, but episode descriptions on e.g. TVDB have it as “Lulim”, which makes more sense. Does anyone have any insight here? Is there ever a moment in the show where the name of the school is clearly visible?

the upscale mega links are dead

typesetter (uploader)


Episode 9 is out now on the mega. I don’t have much to say about this one.

Yes, I am aware. The files got deleted from my mega at some point, and I was scared to reupload them for fear of losing the account. However, I’ve reconsidered, and it’s far more likely the files got deleted due to me not logging in than copyright infringement, since in the latter case they probably would have shut down my account already. I won’t be reuploading the U2-Rip raws, as those can still be found on Rutracker, but I’ll go ahead and reupload the muxed releases there. The old links won’t work but I’ll put new links in the description.

typesetter (uploader)


Episode 10 is now out on the mega. In light of the events of this episode, I feel vindicated for having chosen a main dialogue font called “French Grotesque”.

typesetter (uploader)


Episode 11 is now on the mega.

@typesetter Awesome job, thanks so much for these.

typesetter (uploader)


Episode 12 is now on the mega. I translated some of the French dialogue… where it had already been transcribed. I couldn’t make out the rest.

typesetter (uploader)


Episode 13 is now on the mega. Don’t expect me to keep up this pace… it just so happened that I had a totally free weekend and the next two episodes to do were very light on signs. In particular, 14 will take quite a bit longer because there are two new songs to deal with.

typesetter (uploader)


Whew! Finally done with episode 14. After much struggle, I gave up on trying to apply a fade out to a karaoke-templated line (even though the exact same template worked in episode 4, go figure).

Just as a heads up, I also reorganized the mega folder a bit in preparation for an eventual batch release. I just checked and the individual episode links still work for me, but who knows, things break sometimes. Anyway, it’s all still there, just in a different place.