I don’t have a time machine, if you want something beyond 174 wait 6 months, it’s more than proven that Netflix Japan releases a new batch (one year from the original broadcast) every 6 months
@sawada91 Those were the ones from CR and unfortunately it doesn’t seem that CR has plans to release more episodes in the near future, or at least they haven’t announced anything.
Thanks so much!
Yes, crunchyroll version is complete with sponsor cards, NEPs, eyecatches .etc
And their subs are much accurate and better than bilibili
Thanks for the heads-up. Looking forward to it.
BTW Do you think Netflix will include the #219 bonus scene in which Akako calls on evil spirits as well as the happy new year segment, in the remastered stream?
Comments - 14
It’s a pity that’s not 124-246, but it’s better than nothing
fabrebatalla18 (uploader)
I don’t have a time machine, if you want something beyond 174 wait 6 months, it’s more than proven that Netflix Japan releases a new batch (one year from the original broadcast) every 6 months
suberb job.
anyone working on sync of bilibili subs?
@fabrebatalla18 wasn’t the last batch released one year ago (ago 2021)?
fabrebatalla18 (uploader)
@sawada91 Those were the ones from CR and unfortunately it doesn’t seem that CR has plans to release more episodes in the near future, or at least they haven’t announced anything.
@sepe Wait for crunchysubs. Those’ll be better.
Thanks so much!
Yes, crunchyroll version is complete with sponsor cards, NEPs, eyecatches .etc
And their subs are much accurate and better than bilibili
It’d be nice if you could make 720p/1080p BDRip of all eps that are available from Akai Family Selection blurays.
Please seed https://nyaa.iss.one/view/925754
fabrebatalla18 (uploader)
@RyzakiT I am not very worried about that version, in a year it will be obsolete, when Netflix Japan publishes the remastered, sorry.
About Akai Family, sure, i will do some BDrip in next weeks/months, with BD for episode and webdl for preivews.
Thanks for the heads-up. Looking forward to it.
BTW Do you think Netflix will include the #219 bonus scene in which Akako calls on evil spirits as well as the happy new year segment, in the remastered stream?
Thank you so much, looking forward to your work next March 2023 <3