Apparently there are only 26 episodes. This torrent is simply a batch of the previous releases for easier downloading and handling.
These releases have been downloaded from the “JapariSubs” YouTube channel.
All credit goes to them. All I did was download the videos and torrent them up for your viewing pleasure.
The files are the highest quality available from YouTube at the time of creating this torrent.
More information: AniDB
“JapariSubs” have released their own files on Nyaa before but have stopped after episode 7. Please download their official releases once they decide to release them again.
Comments - 3
So is it official anywhere that there’s only 26 eps? I know there’s been some big gaps between eps, before.
kheldorn (uploader)
The “most official” I could find was basically the japanese wikipedia:けものフレンズ3#Webアニメ
Tbh, ever since the anime moved into the app it has been hard to keep track of. Sega uploaded episode 20 to Youtube 2 years ago. Nothing since. And that’s as far as the official website goes too:
So unless someone checks the app and proves me wrong I’ll have to assume that it ended after 26 episodes.