人々が少しだけ違う並行世界間で日常的に揺れ動いていることが実証された世界――両親の離婚を経て母親と暮らす高崎暦(たかさき・こよみ)は、地元の進学校に入学した。勉強一色の雰囲気と元からの不器用さで友人をつくれない暦だが、突然クラスメイトの瀧川和音(たきがわ・かずね)に声をかけられる。彼女は85番目の世界から移動してきており、そこでの暦と和音は恋人同士だというのだが……並行世界の自分は自分なのか? 『君を愛したひとりの僕へ』と同時刊行
In a world where people regularly travel between slightly different parallel universes, Takasaki Koyomi lives with his mother after his parents’ recent divorce. Awkward and studious, he has trouble making friends at his new school until his classmate Takigawa Kazune seeks him out. She claims that she’s moved here from another world where she and Takasaki are in love… but could he be the one who’s actually from a parallel world instead?
To Every You I’ve Loved Before and To Me, The One Who Loved You are parallel universe novels by the same author and released on the same day. They can be read in either order to complement each other, and inspired a pair of anime films (also released on the same day).
pass: kahsfafs
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