Fourteen by Umezu ‘UMEZZ’ Kazuo, 13/13 volumes, bunko edition, complete, ENG scans by Arienai!, Endless-Abyss, Gantz_Waitingroom & Manga Underground
This is the same torrent I shared years ago, but now the files are re-named and .cbz’d. This is complete BUNKOban edition, but it lacks the 18-pages long epilogue from AIZOUban ‘Umezz Perfection! 11’ edition. Bunko edition is from year 2001, but the aizou is from year 2012. As you might now, VIZ has the license for Umezu’s works, so let’s hope aizouban will be available officially someday.
Meanwhile, enjoy one of the craziest journeys ever drawn as manga, this manga is insane but so freaking excellent, god-tier stuff! (opinions may vary :)
Comments - 2
THIS IS MY FAVORITE MANGA. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Every single day I go to the Viz licensing suggestion google docs and ask for it.