Encoded Gunsmith Cats into high quality h.264 format with English, Japanese, and Director Commentary Audio, along with English Subtitles as well.
I fixed, and improved the subtitles for the V2 release. Video is the same as before.
If you want updates on all of my plans, my other uploads that cannot be uploaded to nyaa, or to chat with me and others, feel free to join my discord community.
Comments - 5
DarkDream787 (uploader)
I didn’t intend for there to be a V2 so soon, but I caught some last minute issues with the subtitles, and spent the last couple hours working to make them better.
best chicago anime
Encoded Gunsmith Cats into high quality h.264 format-Really? What codec do you think the bluray was encoded in? Sheesh!!
DarkDream787 (uploader)
It’s safe to ignore zrdb. They just witlessly troll peoples comments, and half the time don’t know what they are saying. They cant even get along with people in the comments of their own uploads, and act like an immature child.
Here is a perfect example of them making themselves look like a fool and trying to get a reaction out of people like they are in dire need of attention or something.
Roasted in comments ;P, Thanks for upload and bothering to do a V2. o7