Scanning info:
Scanned using Epson PerfectionV600
Scanned at 1200 DPI
Editing (Healing Brush, Magic Eraser Tool, Replace Color) using Adobe Photoshop 2022 (except for back of CDs/BDs)
Saturation +30, Luminance set at 150 for all images
Rn, I’m uploading to my seedbox along with seeding. That way, everyone will have a better speed connection than my current one once it finishes downloading there, sorry about the speed problems
Comments - 2
CoolMan513 (uploader)
Rn, I’m uploading to my seedbox along with seeding. That way, everyone will have a better speed connection than my current one once it finishes downloading there, sorry about the speed problems
Thanks for all the wonderful Persona Concert shares so far CoolMan513!