Script Preparation: knowsuchpeace
TL (Dialogue): Vertical, Unbased (previews)
TL (Signs): Vertical, [qIIq]
TL (Commentary): Aniplex
TL (OP): Unbased (OP1), gg (OP2-4), coalgirls? (OP5-6)
ED: [qIIq]
TLC: Unbased
Timing: motbob
Timing (commentary): motbob (1-3), kattara (4-15)
Typesetting: motbob, Scrad (4), witchymary (5-6, 9-10)
OP styling: motbob (OP1, 5-6), gg (OP2-4), tehshower (OP4)
Editing: motbob
QC: Melancholy (01), motbob
There are alternate honorifics tracks in this release. Set your media player to play “enm” language tracks by default to automatically play honorifics tracks.
See the batch link at the top of this torrent description.
Doesn’t matter. Pick any popular order that puts Bakemonogatari first and Zoku Owarimonogatari last. My personal recommendation is RNG Order. (OK, just kidding—I’m just trying to emphasize that you’ll have a good experience no matter what order you choose.)
Absolutely not. Maybe on your second viewing.
Please leave feedback in the comments, good or bad.
Please read this short playback guide if you want to know how to make the video and subtitles of this release look better.
All components of this release are released into the public domain to the greatest extent possible.
Comments - 20
just in time for me to rewatch in preparation for OM
smol v2
please mention the video and audio codec, the type of the subtitles etc… not just “BD 1080p” let us know what is the disc region and so on…
you can download it and find out the codecs :)
motbob (uploader)
I can’t even tell you what the disc region is since it’s a mix of multiple regions.
links to the old encodes?
motbob (uploader)
Oh, my bad.
Thanks @motbob
Do you also plan to update the other monogatari series encodes or they are good enough?
motbob (uploader)
No. I don’t have a problem with smol’s encodes for post-Bake seasons.
Based bob!
bob the builder
thanks again bob!

Good job, but frankly I still find the old mawen1250’s encode to be better, I just really REALLY hate banding in anime, cause unlike other minute stuff, it is visibly annoying.
motbob (uploader)
Yeah, I totally get it. Though note that the banding kinda becomes less of a problem after episode 2.
Will there be a mini version of this?
Any changes to subtitles?
thank you!