MS Gundam SEED Astray series by various authors, 16,99/17(23) volumes (missing c00 - four pages long prologue - and series ‘Tenkuu no Seijo’) ENG scans by various groups
More G goodness, this time some (fuck)seed. Still, SEED is not that bad actually, I really should watch Destiny sometime soon(^tm).
Mata ai-muscle!
Comments - 4
Although, as someone who really likes Seed (I don’t treat as perfect, I just think it has a really good modern backstory), Seed Destiny is… Holy shit it’s a mess of things.
^But as much of a mess as it is, it’s still at least in part prerequisite for watching Stargazer, which is the best part of the franchise.
I don’t hate SEED like some people, but Astray is easily the best part of it.
Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED DESTINY when? Thanks and best regards.