Hello everyone, Napa Super Saiyan Blue here. Welcome back to those of you who have seen my previous torrents of this dub and are wondering why I’m making another. This one is re-edited to be better than the previous one, as the torrents I did before kept the Japanese title cards. Technically, I uploaded part 1 of the re-edit and then deleted the old one a while back, but I exported it badly. I’ve had this new version of part 1 on the Internet Archive for a while. However, I redid the end credits of part 1 using a high-quality source from the Discotek Blu-ray. Part 2’s new edit has recently been completed after I had been holding off on doing so for a while. Until we meet again, cya, and happy torrenting! Please remember to keep seeding.
Comments - 9
Well it is Japan so that’s completely possible
napa_super_saiyan_blue (uploader)
The BBC, or British Broadcasting Corporation, had a special about Japan in the 2000s called “Japan Night.” This special featured documentaries and a whole dubbing of the anime Lum the Invader Girl, which was renamed from its original Japanese title, Urusei Yatsura.
Edit just because I forgot to mention this the dub only covered episodes 1 and 3 and for some reason the bbc skipped episode 2 zpbander found the dub through vhs and did there own remaster but instead of recreating the footage from the dub they went to the vhs footage so this remaster uses footage from the eye catcher re-edited and synced to match the bbc version which replaced the intro and the end credits was recreated along with the title cards
jav joke
napa_super_saiyan_blue (uploader)
Ah so I’m just a fucking moron I get it probably the 3rd time I’ve counted where a joke flew over my head through the internet lol
Saw a video of this effort on Youtube. It’s pure gold. Basically they had fun with the dubbing in the same fashion that the dubbers for Ghost Stories did, albeit without outright changing plot details or going completely bonkers with it. I used to think that’s the only way they could do a UY dub justice, but the modern dub of the modern UY is actually solid. Proof that the missing ingredient all along was simply a decent talent pool and good standards.
napa_super_saiyan_blue (uploader)
Yeah I’d have to agree the bbc dub in my opinion is a masterpiece of a dub and has made me laugh multiple times but the dub for the urusei yatsura reboot is a masterclass of good anime dubbing both the bbc and sentai filmworks approach to dubbing this anime are both valid
Yeah it was so solid they cancelled the season 2 dub lmao.
napa_super_saiyan_blue (uploader)
I mean, personally, I think the dub is still pretty good, and I honestly wish the reboot broke the curse of Urusei Yatsura never having a complete dub. Even though I prefer the BBC dub’s cast, I still think HIDIVE’s dub of the reboot is solid. Also, the reason why it’s just episodes 1 and 3 is because the BBC, for whatever reason, skipped episode 2. If you want to watch episode 2 in dub, the only real way is to watch the Animego dub of that episode. ZeroCool has already made a remaster of that dub that’s on this site, but it only has 1 seeder. Also, sorry I am late on the response; I don’t always check the comments here.