JPN BDRemux + neoHEVC (modified)
Removed commentaries. Converted PCM to FLAC. Timed the subs to BDRemux and snapped to keyframes. No TS improvements. Fixed minor timing issue with 1 sign. Other than that some errors such as missing a word or typo are fixed. Overall, the original subs were really good to begin with. The fixes were for episodes 1, 7-9, and 13. The only improvements the subs need is the TS, but I have no TS skills, so just enjoy BRAINS doing work with his tools.
Comments - 2
Looking at this uploader’s other “releases” and comments, one realizes no pill combination in the world is strong enough to beat that turbo autism.
Still, not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth too much.
Thanks for the effort and upload!
Brother, have you looked at your pfp