Chapter four available here
Not satisfied with the current official or fan options for the Dragon Ball manga due to image and translation shortcomings, this is my effort to combine the incredible new Seed of Might Kanzenban scan with a good English translation.
The Seed of Might pages remain at the same resolution in lossless PNG format. I did straighten a few pages just a little bit. I also moved the chapter titles from the end of the Kanzenban to the start of the chapter. This is collected in a standard .cbz which can be unzipped if you want to check each page individually. I’ve improved how SFX text looks, you can see in the pictures below.
In terms of translations and visuals, I’m presenting pages from a few versions without comment. The images are presented in the order they were available: 1 Viz, 2 HAO, 3 HC, 4 Tracksuit, 5 Seed of Might, 6 Tuxedo Time
The images are presented in their original size so the first four will be much smaller than the last two. If the SlowPics preview looks like it is not loading, move your screen to find the smaller pages.
I’m willing to learn and take criticism on choices. I have .psd files of the pages so fixes should be easy. Things that are helpful:
Things that do not help:
Thanks to Seed of Might and Hermes for the scan and translation help. Thanks to HAO, HC, and even Viz for translation references when nothing else was available. Thanks to Kanzenshuu for chapter titles.
Thanks to Redifire for reading things over.
Thanks to Seed of Mighters Butler for page cleaning and review, AndroidxFusion for translation logs, and Nemu for translation advice.
Have a personal problem with the font, size, name choice, etc.? Better yet, do you want to translate the series to French, German, etc.? The second zip contains all the PSDs with text layers. You have the pages with cleaned text bubbles and the text in the right spot. If you want to translate, you can start with these files while you reference the original Japanese. This should save on time. All I ask is a credit to “Tuxedo Time” if you do so.
If you have no interest in working on manga and just want to read, you can either delete the PSD zip or just don’t download it.
Chapter six will be out next week.
You can follow me here to see work in progress, ask questions, or help
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