This collection is the COMPLETE 1984-2015 pack for “Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken)” and CONTAINS all of the following:
MOVIES (360p-720p):
a. Fist of the North Star - ANIME Movie (1986 - 720p BOTH Versions)
b. Fist of the North Star - LIVE-Action Movie (1995 - 360p)
OVAs (480p-720p):
a. FoTNS - The Legends of the True Savior (OVA Series - 720p)
b. NEW Fist of the North Star (OVA Series - 480p)
SERIES (480p-720p):
a. Fist of the North Star (Japanese Dub - 480p) - 152 Episodes
b. Fist of the Blue Sky (Japanese Dub - 480p) - 26 Episodes
c. Legends of the Dark King - A FoTNS Story (Japanese Dub - 480p): 13 Episodes
d. DD Hokuto no Ken (Japanese Dub - 480p-720p): 38 Episodes (across 3 different shows)
Plot Synopsis:
“In the year 199X, human civilization has been all but destroyed by a nuclear holocaust. In an age where the strong rule over the weak, the survivors of the fallout struggle over the remaining supply food and water left. Kenshiro, successor to an ancient, deadly martial art known as Hokuto Shinken (Fist of the North Star), wanders the wasteland with seven scars in the shape of the Big Dipper on his chest. This infamous style uses the body’s hidden 708 pressure points to destroy opponents from within and allows practitioners to unleash 100% of their humanly strength. Accompanied by a young thief and an orphan girl, this messiah brings justice to this lawless world with the strongest fist in the world.”
Name (Title): FIST of the NORTH STAR (Hokuto no Ken): COMPLETE 1984-2015 Series, Movies, OVAs - 480p-720p x264
Category Type: Anime
Length (Duration): Varies by Video.
Year(s): 1984-2015
Starring: Kenshiro, Toki, Raoh, Thouzer, Jagi, Yuria, Shin, etc…
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Horror, Drama
Resolution: 480p-720p
Rip Type (Source): DVDRips, BrRips, WebRips
Codec Type: x264
Format of File(s): MP4(s)
Audio Format & Language(s): JAPANESE (AAC and AC3 audios).
Subtitles: ENGLISH (Hardcoded Subtitles throughout).
Chapters: No.
Comments - 46
you fucking idiot, why did you make the file structure so long? DONT download this, it will fuck up your windows it goes past 255 character limit
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ shinytentacool
First of all, you don’t have to be so dis-respectful…
Nevertheless, at the time that I uploaded this (a year and a half ago), I was just a “newbie” to the torrent “Do’s and Dont’s”…I didn’t know about the RULES (like I do now) when it comes to file-and-folder name structure, hardcoding vs soft-subbing subtitles into the videos, etc…
You won’t see such issues with my other torrent’s considering that this “FOTNS” was my 1st upload (when I was a “newb” to the uploading “rules”)…
Ok sorry for calling you idiot. I was angry that this put undelete-able files on my Windows. I fixed it now. Still, unless you’re on Windows 10 (and 8? i dunno) dont download this or else you will have to move folders around until hopefully you can fix it.
The files work even past 255 so all you need to do is move the deeper folders to root and that will probably fix it
Curse you uploader!!
The original series is a freaking TVRip not a DVDRip!
The subs for the FoTNS - The Legends of the True Savior OVA are truly some of the worst I’ve ever seen in my 30+ years of watching anime. Reminds me of the horrible dvds from Singapore sold in China town back in the 90s.
Just for an example they translate the suffix “-sama” to “big” Big Raoh, Big Shin lol Truly woeful.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Icarusu and @ XellosNichan
LOL, I understand both of your frustration’s, guys. Mind you, this torrent right here was my very “first” anime torrent, ever, which explains the discrepancies that you guys are venting about…
As far as the “original series” is concerned, Icarusu, I believe the original source for those are the “CrunchyRoll” rips (so I guess you’re right).
P.S: I’ve gotten a HELL of a lot better “since” then, though ;)!
Did it get changed now? Like if it is legit good to torrent it…If not gotta gather all the Hokuto no Ken parts on my own i guess.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ TheWimo
Nothing got “changed” and I honestly don’t feel like there’s much of a “problem” with what the above posters where commenting on other than personal preference (which is understandable). Feel free to download this torrent pack for yourself and if you don’t like it, you can always find the individual FOTNS/HNK parts for yourself…
Uh, i actually asked if there’s DVDRip subbed out there, but you deleted my comment.
Also, stop trying to blame us, you could just have mentioned in the description which RIP is for each series, instead of putting it so far away each type of RIPS that overall had, that made us think that by that ‘‘DVDRIP’’ written there was actually for the original series too
No need to ‘’;))’’ every comment so you look superior.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Icarusu
NYAA (at least on my end) doesn’t allow me to “delete” any comments but my own…
Even if I could delete comments, I never would.
I use “quotes” not to think that I am better than anybody but that’s just “how” I communicate.
I never “blamed” you or anybody else; that’s just you mis-interpreting things that I have said up above.
Yes, I should’ve mentioned the RIP type for each series but as I’ve stated before, this series was my Very FIRST torrent upload so at the time, I was very Amateurish about such things. If I knew then what I know today, I would’ve done so, my friend.
Thank you for the amazing share!! I just finished downloading this.
What the fuck is your problem? Windows has this stupid character limit on file locations. Blame on their stupid negligence. Linux doesn’t have any problems on this since you can’t have as long pathways as possible.
In order to remedy this. You would put this download on early folders. I just put this file on downloads folder and I was able to finish this. Rename the folders, and cut all the files and put them outside of the folders. There you go.
I’m glad you compiled everything. I know Windows has a stupid problem on long pathways, but at least you now know how to improve this on future releases.
Seeing all of the movies, series and ovas all in one location. I cannot thank you enough for the amazing release you did!!!
Fist of the Blue Sky (SnK) - Ep. 08 - Pray to the God of Hell.mp4 is SAME with Fist of the Blue Sky (SnK) - Ep. 16 - Seeking Refuge.mp4!!
The files size slight different but the content are exactly SAME!
Both anime title on its sub is Seeking A Haven!
Thank you for your effort to upload the complete series of this anime!
animepacks007 (uploader)
THANKS for the love and appreciation shown, my friend!
Thanks for letting us know about this particular episode. When I initially compiled this torrent Two Years ago (back in 2016), I was very much so a NEWBIE when it comes to uploading as I wouldn’t make mistakes like that Today…
Hopefully all of the other files in this torrent were to your liking though, Denni ;)!
Yes, I like very much the quality of your upload here, mate!
They’re good enough to be watched & kept and I THANK YOU FOR THAT!
Btw, would you kind you enough to replace Episode 8 of Fist of the Blue Sky with the right one?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Mr_Denni (and everybody else), here are the various REPLACEMENT links for that “Fist of the Blue Sky (SnK) - Ep. 08 - Pray to the God of Hell.mp4” episode:
Link 1 of 3:
Link 2 of 3:!3g9lSTQY!4va6irukibfZyLnxdUVBMFrMavgqVTQUxmSQjzgQajU
Link 3 of 3:
P.S. Denni, let me know what you think of everything else (if you downloaded the COMPLETE torrent pack), okay :)?
Thank you very much for your repack upload, mate ^_^
Right now I’m watching Legend of Dark King and after that the last DD series… so far there’s no problem & the video quality is good enough!
A lot could be forgiven if these weren’t hardsubbed…
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ futagen
LOL, you have to know that I made this pack 2-3 YEARS ago (when I was a “newbie”) which explains all of the “hardsubs”…I KNOW better now though :P!
THANKS for the comment.
Thank you, uploader, for this good stuff.
I believe there is an issue with TV series s2e127 not working right… am I the only one getting the error?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ SundaeBunny
I just downloaded it and it’s working fine for me!
Did you ever get that particular file to download and play properly? If not, please let me know.
Thank you so much for this.
Don’t worry about the minor complaints above. You have organized it well (including even the year), so I was able to match everything with anidb easily.
And there are so many fast seeders, it was superb.
Small request - in the future could you please do x265. That helps significantly when you are on a mobile.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ hanabi
THANKS for the love shown!
In regards to your request, I really don’t care to do “x265 HEVC” encodings at the moment due LOW that particular format is, compatibility-wise…
shinytentacool IS RIGHT, you dense motherfucker. i’m just gonna delete this crap.
Good shit man, thanks!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Wolfwood
I’m honored that you are enjoying this torrent!
How can some people be so entitled as to come here and direct such disrespectful comments at someone who took his or her time to provide a service without asking anything in return? If you people want to criticize, you could at least do so in a constructive manner. Is it really that hard to not act like a complete asshole?
Anyway, thanks for the upload.
animepacks007 (uploader)
Thanks for the love being shown! It definitely is a bit “disheartening” when I receive comment’s like the above on torrents like this as I put in a LOT of hard work, time, and effort to organize my files in the way that I do only for people to downplay me and my effort’s…
I wish there was a bluray version of the series as it is 480p. This is a good collection put everything in place. Appreciate the hard work !
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ vodoo_12
Yes, I agree :!
Thanks for the download though!
Can you update the torrent description to say what the sources are for everything or ideally make a version 2 of this torrent, with the same file structure, but not re-named files?
A key component in archiving is knowing information about the release. Knowing the fansub group especially important, as well as who encoded it, etc… Releases are also tagged with unique IDs (ex. [9E85C7FD]) for a reason. It’s cool you put all this together, but please do a v2 with original filenames, even if folders are re-named, or at least post which groups did which titles, etc…
Any chance you’ll ever re-do this using the new Blu-Rays and with soft subs?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ sumfucnanimegrl
I’ve read online that the “new Blu-Rays” are actually pretty much the SAME -_- as the DVDs. The only difference is that due to the Bluray format having more space on the disks, each Bluray has like 40-50 EPISODES on one disc (but in SD/480p content) :…
If there’s a true Bluray quality copy of the original series (all 152 episodes), let me know though.
Aw, that’s a shame. I swear it looked a bit better than the DVDs when I looked up footage, but maybe it was just placebo. Let me know if you redo Hokuto no Ken for any reason though :)
@icarusu CURSE YOU, HE-MAN!!!
You have a awesome collection man, thank you for the share! :D
Hi! I made an account just to thank you for all the awesome anime packs you share. You are like the “Kenshiro” of Nyaa Torrents. Much love and respect to you. Looking forward for more awesome packs. And if possible, can you also do “Souten no Ken Re:Genesis” someday?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ 13thJedi and nitrahydro
SORRY for the LATE reply…
THANKS for the love shown, indeed! LOL @ “me” being the KENSHIRO of THIS site though!
Yes, I’m actually going to do an UPDATED pack of this FOTNS series SOON, mate!
@animepacks007 So should I download this? I’m willing to wait if you’re going to upload a new one. Scoped had uploaded a BDremux one as well
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Dudun
Yes, feel free to download this IF you mind waiting another 1-3 months UNTIL I get around to doing a re-release of this franchise. I have a few other anime packs to upload here FIRST, LOL!
animepacks007 thanks for the work man, not just this torrent but in general!!!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ jaggie
Most definitely, mate!
Man Thanks!
Also is it possible if you can upload the detective conan series?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ GamerTheSpidey
All I can say to that is “maybe” :P, LOL!
Thanks! Awesome compilation!