This is from Crunchyroll. Quality is mediocre at best, but at least it’s subbed.
I hope someone who has more time and patience than me can remux these subs into higher quality raws, or maybe even those “Remastered” raws you can find at
This batch contains episodes 81-131.
Now I need to wait for Crunchyroll to reach episode 189. Up to 160 is available and they really only seem to release a few episodes every few months…
I’ve also picked up the files to seed the multi-audio dub releases by DragsterPS, links are below.
If you want to watch the show in your local dub for nostalgia reasons, chances are you can find it there.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (English Sub): Part 1: 001-049 | Part 2: 050-080 | Part 3: 081-131 | Part 4 & 5 coming whenever source is available
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX (English Sub): Part 1: 001-033 | Part 2: 034-104 | Part 3: 105-156 | Part 4: 157-180
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s (English Sub): Part 1: 001-026 | Part 2: 027-064 (27v2) | Part 3: 065-103 | Part 4: 104-129 | Part 5: 130-154
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Multi-Audio Dub) uploaded by DragsterPS: S01 | S02 | S03 | S04 | S05
So what should I do next? Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX seems logical.
Comments - 11
GX yeah, but you think you could wait like a week or so before uploading it though; you know, to catch up to downloading the other episodes of this and of the seeding part.
Great work!!! Do 5D’s next! I need a good source on it!
If you do 5D’s, can it be in 720p format?
yauncle (uploader)
For the sake of chronology I’ll just do GX first. soonish.
@kaiserstar1, for 5D’s 720p is what I have sitting right here right now, that’s what I was planning to go with.
Only 3 or so eps were available in 1080p anyway.
thanks, also before GX you think you could upload the rest of the episodes that they have so far; with the way Crunchyroll had removed past shows including Puzzle & Dragons X, though thankfully all the subbed versions were able to be uploaded over at horribe subs, the dubbed version over at funimation doesn’t have all the episodes still.
yauncle (uploader)
I have all 1-163 on XDCC so I have them in case they remove them.
Crunchy seems to be releasing these by 3 or 4 at a time and I really, really don’t feel like creating torrent batches that small…
When is the release for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters part 4 and 5
Thank you a lot for your work!
I hope Crunchy won’t take too much time to upload the other episodes
I’ve been looking all over for this! Is Cruncyroll still subbing these? I’d hate to start downloading if it’s never going to get completed.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters episode 132-196 are out from Crunchyroll and they all subs. so you should do the coldyawn to add on as Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters part 4 finish but part 5 still not done yet. so please do that while the rest of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters finished up the rest subs.