[BitchWitch] Aya to Majo | Earwig and the Witch [720p].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[BitchWitch] Aya to Majo | Earwig and the Witch [720p].mkv

2021-01-15 23:58
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2.1 GiB
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Edit: out of date release. Go get the v2.

This release has four subtitle tracks:

  1. Unlocalized, uncensored subs. A translation from scratch without any reference to the book. Honorifics are included, and the main character’s name matches what’s spoken (Ayatsuru/Aya).
  2. Localized, censored subs. Took the first track and heavily revised it with lines from the book. Honorifics are translated, and the main character’s name matches the book (Erica Wigg/Earwig). Censored for the children.
  3. Hybrid, best of both worlds subs. This track is the default. Noticed the second track seemed rather bookish (imagine that) and spliced some stuff from the first track back in. Names still follow the second track, except “the Mandrake” is changed back to just “Mandrake”. Uncensored because it’s funnier.
  4. Japanese subtitles, for those who wish to follow along in ye olde nihongo. Took the closed captions from Free-Raws, removed unnecessary sound effects and speaker markers, rearranged them into more logical lines, and gave them fansub timing. Did this mainly for my own benefit before translating, but thought I’d share it since it took so much work.

I shall be releasing another torrent soon with just the subtitles and fonts (update: here). Everything is timed to Free-Raws, which was my source.

I may do a v2 when the official subs come out, depending on how much work that ends up being.

If you’re wondering what was censored in track 2:

bitchy -> trampy
damn -> darn
crap -> garbage
hell -> heck

File list

  • [BitchWitch] Earwig and the Witch [720p].mkv (2.1 GiB)

This is an eye to detail that is truly rare nowadays. Thank you for uploading!

Thank you so much for that! Great! Very much appreciated!
A new Ghibli, loving it. <3
Even though I’d preferred “real Ghibli anime”, rather than 3D CG. But Aya is as adorable as can be in 3D CG, too.
(But, in what funny country do you have to censor words like bitchy, damn, crap, and hell? Not questioning anything, just asking.)

typesetter (uploader)


For that infinitesimally small age range of children who are old enough to read but young enough that their parents wouldn’t want them seeing those words on screen.

Very well done!
Thank you very much for such a great work!

This is a very bad move from Studio Ghibli, they should NOT follow Pixar or make CG 3D Computer animations. What makes Studio Ghibli such unique is they made all there classic animations traditional hand drawn (yes, it takes a lot of work, time, and money, but in the end), the film looks like a timeless masterpiece and beautiful to look at, like a painting that ages well with time. Changed that to CG 3D Computer animation it looks like every other normal Pixar movie that gets release every year for the masses, it will not age well, and doesn’t look unique.

the best part of this movie is the ending credits only, where they show what made Studio Ghibli so famous for.

typesetter (uploader)


I think we all agree that Studio Ghibli is much better suited to 2D animation, but this movie is still watchable. I actually laughed out loud multiple times when I watched the raw, which is part of why I decided to translate it.

glm8892 I don’t think Ghibli is moving to 3D. It’s just Miyazaki’s son trying to be different from his father

typesetter (uploader)


According to Livechart, the official release on HBO Max happened today, but I still don’t see any torrents. Really hoping for better quality video at least.

The comments remind me of what was said when Don Bluth first left Disney back when the original TRON was released (1979), and started Don Bluth Productions. This was before Pixar, and Disney was talking about transferring to the new 3-D medium. Don Bluth, John Pomeroy, Gary Goldman, and about 23 other animators all left Disney in mass. Probably a big part of why The Black Cauldron, which was in production at the time, sucked so bad. Anyway, Don went on to make The Secret of NIMH and the rest, as they say, is history. The equivalent today would be Studio Ponoc and Mary and the Witches Flower. Definitely history repeating.
Other Bluth films are An American Tail, All Dogs go to Heaven, Land Before Time, Anastasia, to name a few.

Thank you for 720p. <3