[BitchWitch] Aya to Majo | Earwig and the Witch [1080p] v2.mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[BitchWitch] Aya to Majo | Earwig and the Witch [1080p] v2.mkv

2021-02-07 13:48
No information.
File size:
1.1 GiB
Info hash:

v2 changes:

  • New raw source
  • Stereo and surround Japanese audio tracks, offset by -400 milliseconds to match the video (thanks to user nyaarunner for figuring this out). Dub is not included.
  • Corrected a few translation errors based on the official subs
  • Modified the wording of a few lines where the official subs had it better
  • The new raw has additional footage, so everything had to be re-timed from scratch. There are also three lines of dialogue that weren’t in the original, which have been translated.
  • Translated a few more of the background lines, though there’s still some of the weather report that I can’t make out
  • Translated the rest of the song and added subs in every place the song is audible
  • Japanese subtitle track is not included, as it would have been too much work to re-time and add all the additional lines

All of the above changes were applied to all three remaining subtitle tracks. Subtitle track description copied from the v1:

  1. Unlocalized, uncensored subs. A translation from scratch without any reference to the book. Honorifics are included, and the main character’s name matches what’s spoken (Ayatsuru/Aya).
  2. Localized, censored subs. Took the first track and heavily revised it with lines from the book. Honorifics are translated, and the main character’s name matches the book (Erica Wigg/Earwig). Censored for the children.
  3. Hybrid, best of both worlds subs. This track is the default. Noticed the second track seemed rather bookish (imagine that) and spliced some stuff from the first track back in. Names still follow the second track, except “the Mandrake” is changed back to just “Mandrake”. Uncensored because it’s funnier.

Given all of the changes, I won’t be seeding the v1 anymore, but I’ll leave it up in case people prefer Japanese credits or the shorter edit. I’m also putting up a new version of the subtitles and fonts torrent.

It’s possible that I’ll do a v3 when the blurays come out.

File list

  • [BitchWitch] Earwig and the Witch [1080p] v2.mkv (1.1 GiB)

“Given all of the changes, I won’t be seeding the v1 anymore, but I’ll leave it up in case people prefer Japanese credits, the shorter edit, or a smaller filesize. I’m also putting up a new version of the subtitles and fonts torrent.”

Umm… smaller file size? This version is [1080p] and half the size of your 2.1 GiB [720p] version. Not sure how that was done.

typesetter (uploader)


Whoops, my mistake. I didn’t realize the raw I used was smaller than the TV rip. Looks like they re-encoded to HEVC from their source. I didn’t make any further changes to the video. As far as video quality, I didn’t notice any issues except a very small amount of banding in one of the dark shots.

You’re quick! Thank you! Anyone know the significance of Earwig always saying Custard instead of Thomas when talking to Thomas? Did I miss something?

Thank you very much, time to delete the other torrents and I finally can watch the movie without any distractions.

Is this the Theatrical release or stream release? There are major differences to them , so just curious

typesetter (uploader)


@cridical this v2 release uses video obtained from HBO Max, which had additional scenes that were not present in the original TV rip. I don’t know if there are any differences between HBO Max and the theatrical release.

Major Differences. Lighting, Editing, etc. appreciate the update