2024 update: this torrent is bad and you probably shouldn’t download it.
OG description for posterity:
This torrent contains a ton of miscellaneous Monogatari bullshit. It’s primarily targeted at enthusiasts. Recaps, Trailers, PVs, CMs, Menus, BD Scans, fanmade translated Drama CD videos. Other stuff I don’t really know how to classify like the PSP game DVD and Madogatari. The main folders are sorted by novel order and correspond to the Blu-Ray volumes of each arc, so anything that was on those Blu-Rays volumes goes in the folder. This is why, for example, the Bakemonogatari recap is in the Kabukimonogatari folder. External subtitles are provided for all of the recaps, some of the Bake extras, and the Neko Kuro extras. Most things in the misc folder have internal subtitles. The subtitle sources are USBD PGS for the recaps, ANE for the Bake extras, Commie for the Neko Black extras, and misc for the misc extras… imagine that. For the video sources, I used Kawaiika, then Beatrice/Yousei for what Kawaiika didn’t have, then Mawen/Commie/VCB for what Beatrice/Yousei didn’t have. I’m aware VCB isn’t the greatest, but afaik it was the best among the non-BDRemux options for the extras post Koyomi that Kawaiika didn’t have. I triple checked everything to make sure there were no dupes. I kept original filenames, so if you see gaps in numbering it’s because the best source had it. Everything in the misc folder was either the single source available or the clear best choice. I’m tagging this as English Translated since the main content of the torrent - the recaps and misc extras, has subs.
Other credits and special thanks: vitormathews, cerberus, zang, DHD, abystoma, moodkiller, rickyhorror, maxdefolsch, Delta Shizu, herkz, motbob, aniplex, vertical/kodansha, and Anonymous.
ap1234 Monogatari torrent index (updated July 2024):
Fansubs & NCs: MTBB for bake, smol for the rest. For lazy rewatches, check out motbob’s movie cuts. I don’t recommend them for Bake/Kizu/Nise, though.
Light Novels. Note: fans have translated the next 10 novels after Zoku. See this reddit post for more info, and the /r/araragi discord for epub and pdf downloads.
Short Stories. Note: more info and links to the latest translated ones here.
Comments - 5
big if true
torrent correction 💢💢💢💢

Thanks for this collection, it will surely be of great help when I release v2 of my collection. And also thanks for giving me credits. :)
ap1234 (uploader)
i am not seeding this rn, dealing with irl stuff. i have no eta on when i’ll be doing it again, but it will happen eventually. in the mean time i’d appreciate other people seeding. i see some seeding it off an on, 2 completions have happened since i stopped. thank you very much for that.