This is part of my plan to create newly translated volumes of the One Piece Digitally Colored Comics in English. After doing volumes 1 to 3, and then jumping ahead to the newer stuff, I decided to go back and continue my plan beginning with Volume 31, as that’s where the currently available English translation for the digitally colored volumes really took a nosedive. This should act as a nice replacement for what is currently out there. As always, select sound effects have been redrawn where necessary for the story, or when it happened to be easy. Enjoy.
Volumes 1 to 3, and 76 to 82
Volume 83
Volume 84
Volume 85
Volume 86
Volumes 87 to 92
Volume 93
Volume 94
Volume 95
Volume 96
Comment Replies:
(I’ll be replying to comments here since I’m unable to comment anonymously)
@Veelk - The plan is to eventually do the entire series, but like you said, it’s an insane amount of work, so it will take a while. To be clear, though, this volume doesn’t use the Viz translation. Much like the first three volumes, I mainly utilized Stephen Paul’s old translations for this one (though he must have had some trouble with this volume or something because I couldn’t make sense of some of his translations. In those instances, I looked elsewhere). I choose to use Stephen’s for these earlier volumes because I feel like they’re (for the most part) more accurate than Viz’s were at this point in the publication, but to be honest, this whole process would be so much easier and quicker if I were just using Viz’s translations, so I’ve thought about doing that just to get this done quicker. We’ll see how much longer my patience can withstand this more demanding method… I will get to more older volumes eventually, but volumes 84, 85, and 86 are about to be released, so those will be taking priority over the older ones.
@agalloch93 - I would if I weren’t already planning on re-doing every older volume eventually, but since I am, I feel like that would just be a waste of time, sorry.
Comments - 6
Thanks. Can you upload volumes 4 onward colored, but organized like the first three, 31 and 76-82? I mean with the extra pages and numbered correctly. I’m not asking for other translations or redraws, just organized png colored volumes.
I’m not sure if it’s reasonable to ask you to do all of OP, because I’d love to read the colored version with the Viz translations, since that’s a genuinely insane amount of work, so if you just want to do specific volumes you want, okay…but still, if you do end up doing all of OP, that’d be awesome beyond words.
Amazing. You’re really good at what you’re doing… Keep it up!
Thank you! Was worried you may have stopped. Looking forward to the newer volumes! Really appreciate the hard work you’re doing!
Seed please!