[ENG] One Piece - Volumes 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 (FULL COLOR Digital Colored Comics) :: Nyaa ISS

[ENG] One Piece - Volumes 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 (FULL COLOR Digital Colored Comics)

2020-10-21 01:30
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1.9 GiB
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Six volumes. All released on the same day. Shueisha is trying to kill me.

This torrent contains volumes 87 through 92 in English. As with all volumes since 76, I used the Viz translations for the most part, only altering names/spellings according to my personal preference, while also tweaking some dialog here and there when deemed necessary.

For anyone who’s been following my progress with these, it should come as no surprise that I opted not to translate and re-draw every sound effect this time around; it was already an unrealistic workload, and six volumes of it would have taken me six months to a year to complete, and that’s if it was just about the only thing I did with my life during that time. It’s an unbelievable amount of work, and I can no longer justify the time and effort it takes to do it.

However, what I’ve done instead is selective sound effect re-drawing/translating when needed, or when I felt it serviced a joke, or when I was feeling generous and motivated enough to do so. Sometimes I redrew them, but toward the end I most often wound up translating select effects to the side of them à la the weekly official release.

On the bright side, when I don’t have to worry so much about the sound effects, I’m able to knock these volumes out a hell of a lot more quickly, as evidenced by this batch. I double-checked them, but let me know if you come across any speech bubbles that I somehow missed (I was moving pretty quickly through these at times, so it could have happened).

Note about the translation: I know I make some choices that can be pretty polarizing at times in regards to the names of people/places/things, but the reality is that there will never be a translation that will satisfy everyone. I choose to use the terminology that I personally prefer and believe to be the best choice for getting Oda’s original intent across, but I know that there are many who would disagree with my choices for one reason or another. For that, I apologize, but again, there really is no pleasing everyone, especially when it comes to One Piece’s translation. I hope everyone understands.

Also, I do still plan on doing all of the older volumes, and then revising some of what I’ve already done for the sake of translation consistency. I’m sorry I haven’t been working on it (other projects and life demand my attention), but that is the plan. I dream of a complete, consistent, full color English translation, and that dream has not died.

Anyway… enjoy! We’ve made it to Wano in color!

Volumes 1 to 3, and 76 to 82
Volume 31
Volume 83
Volume 84
Volume 85
Volume 86
Volume 93
Volume 94
Volume 95
Volume 96

File list

  • One Piece (v087-092) Full Color [anonymous]
    • One Piece c0870-0879 (v087) Full Color [anonymous].zip (332.7 MiB)
    • One Piece c0880-0889 (v088) Full Color [anonymous].zip (319.5 MiB)
    • One Piece c0890-0900 (v089) Full Color [anonymous].zip (356.7 MiB)
    • One Piece c0901-0910 (v090) Full Color [anonymous].zip (319.9 MiB)
    • One Piece c0911-0921 (v091) Full Color [anonymous].zip (353.6 MiB)
    • One Piece c0922-0931 (v092) Full Color [anonymous].zip (308.0 MiB)

This project is one of my favorite things on this website. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. The sound effect redraws were great, but it’s understandable that you opted not to do it this time. I was so excited when I saw you released six volumes at once. I love the idea of a complete full color release, and while it’s an ambitious goal, I believe you can do it. I’ve enjoyed every release of yours so far, and I look forward to many more.

Love the work. Just wish that I could read your versions of volumes 1-3 and 31 because those torrents are basically dead. If anyone has those files, could you drop a DDL?

Thank you for your hard work! Can you provide/upload the RAW version as well? Been looking for the RAW but can’t find it in nyaa. Thank you!

Thank you very much!
And I’m also thankful for not redrawing the sfx, they’re better as they are, and if that means less workload that makes it even better.

Hey, you might remember me from before, I was making a Viz replica of Chapter 1 of One Piece. I am pleased to say that I completed the first chapter (as well as the Stephen Paul variant). https://www.zippyshare.com/DaPikminCoder/mjpl5y8i/dir.html While I edit it in a waifu2x-caffe upscale, I decided that I didn’t like how the tone sheets get warped. So I went back and de-scaled it. I didn’t just resize it, I mapped over as much of the original not-upscaled raw as a I could so that it’s all pixel perfect. (I didn’t de-scale the Stephen Paul version however, as I feel that one is already transformative by default). I wish I could’ve said that I completed the entire Volume, but it is quite a bit of work. However I am almost finished with Chapter 2.
What you might also notice when you go into my folder is that I have started other projects such as Death Note and Hunter X Hunter. Both of which I have also only completed one chapter. Rather than spending years trying just to complete One Piece, I figured it would be much more fun to get as far as I can with as many series as I can. I plan to add even more, such as Dragon Ball. But One Piece will remain my number one priority.
Once I have entire volumes completed I might start uploading here, but for now it’s all just zippyshare. It was great to see you release again. While I must admit I’m dissapointed by your decision to not translate SFX, I definitely understand why, and don’t blame you a bit. These are still great translations!

I’m planning to get some friends to read One Piece together, so we’re having our own little personal voiceover session for the series. I absolutely HATE the common fan translation, though. Everything is either not translated well or so transliterated to the point where it’s lost all character and meaning. I much prefer the Viz translation, and have been basically copying the script onto the colored pages, but seeing this process already done for a few volumes is just SO convenient for me! I would love to see you continue this for the whole series, if only because it’s less work for me. lol

You mention that this is “a breeze”, though. Mind telling me how you can go through this so fast? I assume it’s just select all the text on Photoshop and drag it to the pages, resizing accordingly, because that’s what I do. But it’s really tedious and can take me quite a while to finish just one chapter (though I don’t work super fast).

Thanks again for all of this! Really hope to at least see the first 12 volumes get completed!

Thanks so much for the awesome work you’ve been doing man! I can’t even comprehend the amount of work you put into translating and redrawing these colored volumes and doing so to the level that you have considering as how you surely have other things to focus on in life. You really do Oda’s work justice, can’t wait to read the Katakuri match and the Wano Arc in full color!!! Don’t stop what you’re doing thanks!

as for the sfx, why dont you use the official digital volumes, color them and edit the translation as per your preference?

Thanks again for the colored One Piece, anon-san! I really enjoy your work and am ever thankful that you’re so consistent at delivering new volumes as soon as the RAWs drop. Looking forward to seeing more of your great work…

I’m looking forward to the rest of the volumes cause I want to start reading OP finally! This seems like the perfect version atm.