[ENG] One Piece - Vol. 86 (FULL COLOR Digital Colored Comics) :: Nyaa ISS

[ENG] One Piece - Vol. 86 (FULL COLOR Digital Colored Comics)

2020-02-20 16:08
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File size:
316.6 MiB
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Volume 86 completely in English, including redrawn sound effects. As with all volumes since 76, I used the Viz translations for the most part, only altering names/spellings according to my personal preference, while also fixing some mistakes here and there.

This was not easy. By far the most difficult volume yet due to the sound effects (go figure).

I’m unsure of how I’m going to proceed in the future regarding the effects—I may do what the official release does for new chapters and write them in small font somewhere next to the Japanese (even though I think this results in a less immersive reading experience overall). While that would still be annoying for me, I just don’t think I can keep up what I’ve been doing with the complete redrawing, especially if they do another multi-volume drop (it was honestly all I could do to finish this one). I suppose we’ll see how I feel when the next drop occurs. For now, I’m just happy to be caught up.

Enjoy 86 in full color! This volume is a blast.

Volumes 1 to 3, and 76 to 82
Volume 31
Volume 83
Volume 84
Volume 85
Volumes 87 to 92
Volume 93
Volume 94
Volume 95
Volume 96

Comment Replies: (I’ll be replying to comments here since I’m unable to comment anonymously)

@Veelk - Thank you for your input, I appreciate it. I definitely don’t plan on doing sound effects for the older volumes, and if all I’m doing is slapping the Viz translation on there, it’ll be a breeze and go by very quickly, which I’ve been very tempted to do. Thing is, I want to re-do some of the translations for the earlier volumes where Viz wasn’t quite up to snuff, which takes a little more time and effort. I’ll have to take a closer look for myself, but was there a specific point where the Viz translations became sufficient? Maybe it was around the time where they began rapidly cranking out volumes in order to catch up? Any help there would be appreciated. My sound effects dilemma really only applies to all newly released volumes where I find it to be a treat to have them all translated, and at first I didn’t mind doing it when it would take me around a month to do a volume if I were working hard. This volume 86, though, really showed me that maybe that isn’t the healthiest approach. For that reason, I’ll think about doing what you suggested with newer volumes as well.

File list

  • One Piece c0859-0869 (v086) Full Color [anonymous].zip (316.6 MiB)

Appreciate your work.

For what it’s worth, regarding how to go about the rest of this project, what I’d really love is to get the colored manga with the better translations all around. If you want to make your work load easier but still put up the versions of OP you want, rather than doing sound effects and translation at once, you could just do the translations for the whole series, release that, then decide if you want to go back and edit in the english sound effects as well.

@Veelk that’s a good idea, I remember having to go through shitty fanscans my first time around. What was bad wasn’t all the weird naming schemes and stuff, it was just a lack of credibility. I mean, when you make Jesus Burgess say “do you even lift bro?” I have a slight level of distrust in the accuracy of what’s being said.

Hi, I’m new to reading one piece manga and I was wondering if you personally colour the volumes or if there is a team? Also, how long does it take to do each volume because I’m probably gonna be at the latest volume pretty soon. (I’m still on the fishman island arc but I don’t have anything else to do in quarantine so I’m probably gonna reach the latest volume soon).

Thanks for the colored One Piece, you absolute madlad!

do you plan on doing the newer volumes ?

Reading the newer volumes that were translated with Viz was always great for rereads.

Two things I want to ask:

  1. Do you want help in doing what you do? I’d follow the process that you do it, of course, since it’s the best for high quality scans/translations.
  2. How long do you think the translation process would take if you already have the latest volumes?